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"Immortal or not, you made a promise"

"Where's Nile?" Cosi asks as Nile was nowhere in this room

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"Where's Nile?" Cosi asks as Nile was nowhere in this room. It was the first time that any of them had heard voices for the first time. It was bad timing but the straps held down her arms and it was time anyway.

"Safe." Was all she said and it enough to satisfy Cosi's concern.

"You selfish piece of shit!" Joe's sudden snapped outburst startled everyone in the room.

"Joe, leave it. Please!" Nicky interrupted trying to stop Joe from saying anything further.

"What do you know of the weight of all these years alone?" Book retorts back, laughing to himself, but what he said was wrong. The rest of us who were strapped down on this damn cot held just as much weight on their shoulders than him, a couple of us even larger.

"You know what, you shut it." Cosi spat with anger. She was losing her attempt to keep herself calm but what he said at that moment, something inside of her just snapped. "Look where we are, and you want to talk about the weight you held alone? What about us!"

"Cosi, stop." Nick sent her a disappointed look but she avoided his eyes, pretending to have not seen it; continued to glare at the asshole two seats away on her left.

"You and Nicky, always had each other right?" Book begins to reason as to why he did this but this just angered me some more. "And all we had...was our grief."

"You want to talk about grief?" Cosi started, feeling riled up. She couldn't help whatever she was going to blurt out at this point. "I was born and experimented on by my own adopted parents. I have this dark power surging through my veins and my supposed dead sister was hunting me until she found me again recently. It doesn't matter who had each other, we all lost something too."

Her words finally silenced him but it didn't last very long when Nile burst through the door, heavily breathing with visible gunshots on her body.

"Nile," Book shortly says, just as surprised.

"Watch out! Behind you!" Cosi warned her immediately but the guard had already pulled the trigger resulting in her getting shot, grunting in pain, she used her remaining strength to shoot a bullet back even though it missed. It gave her at least five seconds to close the door.

"Nile!" Nicky shouts out another warning that Kozak was coming for her. Quickly dodging the needle, with one arm to prevent being injected. She used her free hand, punching Kozak, knocking the scientist out instantly.

"You don't know how happy I am to see you right now," Cosi weakly said in all one breath, getting a little excited to finally get the hell of this hell hole. Nile gave me a faint smile back but a hint of confusion at the same time. Quickly running to my side, Cosi stopped her before she could undo the straps. "No, Andy first."

"There's four shooters at the door and more are coming," Nile says in a rush, complying with her request. Unbuckling a couple of Andy's straps, she took a second to look at the bandaged wound on Andy. Taking out the gun from Nile's back pocket, she held it out for her, "Andy." Forcefully placing the gun into Andy's hand, while looking her dead in the eye, "Immortal or not, you made a promise. Whatever it takes. I've seen it, Andy. I know all the good you've done."

It took a good second for Andy to get her shit back together before three guards came barging in through the metal doors with guns. On instinct, Andy and Nile together shot them all down like dominos.

"You came back," Andy looked at her with a knowing look as she continued to unbuckle the rest of the straps herself but Nile just brushed it off with a simple "yeah" walking away to unstrap the rest of us.

"No, just leave me here," Book suggests when Nile moves over to him.

"No man left behind," Nile says before moving elsewhere knowing that he could do the rest himself.

"There's always a first time." Joe retorts, still expressing his hate towards Book. "He's nothing but a traitor. That's-"

"Stop! This is not the time for it." Andy immediately interrupts his ramble with a dangerous glare. Making Joe stop immediately looking like a kicked puppy while in the process of taking off his own straps. "We don't get a say in when it ends. We never have. But we can control how we live. And to be honest, Book, you and I, we've been doing a shit job of it. Now get up. Let's go. We stop Merrick here and now or he never stops coming after us."

"Yeah, well I call dibs on Merrick first." Cosi expressed her anger as she checked the given gun magazine before leaving them to do whatever. "When I get my hands on him, I'll give him a taste of his own medicine. I'm getting this bastard." 


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