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"You're supposed to be dead"

Cosi slowly gained consciousness, coming to realize that she was being carried by someone but she couldn't see anything

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Cosi slowly gained consciousness, coming to realize that she was being carried by someone but she couldn't see anything. Not with the suffocating bag over her head at least. Attempting to squirm out the person's grip, they only gripped her arms tighter, Cosi still felt weak from whatever they injected her earlier.

A new voice she's never heard before began to talk, "I can help you if you let me." Cosi began to slightly panic as she's sure that no one is talking to her. The person who still held on to her suddenly screamed, dropping her harshly on the floor. Groaning in pain, she looked around confused. No one had helped her. Did she do this?

"I'm surprised that you still have it," The same female voice broke her trance as she looked up to come face to face with her sister. Cosi swallowed back nothing, afraid that she was hallucinating this as she just was earlier. "You surprised?"


"Come on! Let's move!" Nile impatiently demanded the man in front of her. Desperately worried for their safety along with their newfound friends.

"Wait for the signal," Book calmly spoke, turning to face her before continuing to pack all the belongings in a duffel bag that he knew they would need for later. Nile storming into the room.

"How the hell can you even tell?!" Frustrated with all the non-explanation or a signal she wasn't aware of or has seen yet. A sudden explosion broke the door, startling her in the process of her yelling. "Oh."

"Let's go!" Booker shouts towards Nile, rushing out of the room he was currently in as he buttoned his shirt on the way out. Nile, already heading out towards the exit, held her gun up entering through another room but what she saw was more shocking than finding anyone else alive. Bodies were laid dead, scattering the ground at every corner.

"Andy and Cosi did all this themselves?" Nile assumed that it was the both of them but in reality, it was all of Andy's doing.

"Yeah. Those women have forgotten more ways to kill than entire armies will ever learn." Book confirms, unfazed by it as he continues to speed walk his way towards the other side of the room.

"Who are they? How'd they find you?" Nile questions once more but knew better that she was going to receive the same questions every time. She didn't know how dangerous that people like Andy and Cosi were more than dangerous than they make out to be.

"I don't know, Let's go!" Book waved her over, in a hurry to leave the building. Nile hesitated for a little before deciding to comply with his commands. Both of them walked out the building - met halfway with Andy but there was no sight of Cosi.

"Where's Cosi," Nile blurted out to Andy in concern, looking around hoping that she'd come around.

Andy frowned with confusion, unaware that Cosi attempted to go after her. Having to make a decision now, there was no time to find her but to get them out of there now. Shaking her head, she walked to their getaway car door, "There's no time, Cosi's a survivor, she'll find her way to us."

Little did they know that wasn't going to happen.


"Oh come on. You're no fun," Evy rolled her brown eyes, already feeling bored as she expected that Cosi would be fierier but it seems that she was exactly how she last saw her. "Get up.

"You're supposed to be dead..." Cosi whispers so quietly, but it didn't go unnoticed by Evy. For a moment she forgot that she was muted for so long that talking was so foreign to her.

Evy harshly pulled Cosi off the ground, all signs of boredom and amusement washed away from her as she got closer to Cosi's face, "Sorry to disappoint you little sister but I'm not."

Cosi ripped herself from her grip, noticing that there was another presence, she swung her right arm back elbowing what seemed to be a soldier to the ground. "Use your magic. Kill him." There was that voice again, Cosi turned to face her sister assuming that it may have been her sister who said it but to add to her confusion it wasn't. Sparking a sense of panic in her, there was no time to figure it out, Cosi used her dark magic to throw him into the distance. Cosi took a chance to run but didn't make it far - feeling immediately darkness taking over.

Currently, Cosi was beginning to feel herself coming back, forcing her heavy eyelids to open - quickly closed it back due to the blinding lights.

"How fascinating...a person can heal themselves and come back to life," A British accent man mumbled to himself; enough to get Cosi's attention. Pulling herself up, she was unable to, having met with a heavy restraint wrapped around her body.

She inwardly groaned as she laid her head back down. Her sudden movement didn't go unnoticed by the man. He clasped his hand - eyes shined with excitement as if he was a kid on Christmas. "You're finally awake. I'm Steven Merrick, youngest CEO in pharma."

Cosi gave him no response as she only stared up onto the ceiling, causing his smile to falter into an awkward one. "I need you to tell me where I can find your other friend's whereabouts."

Silence. He knew that his nice approach wasn't going to work, before he could do anything else, someone else walked through the door. "Merrick, you can show yourself out." Cosi saw that it was Evy - sending her a glare but she dismissed it as if it didn't bother her. "What? Now you don't want to talk?"

Cosi chokes out as it comes out as a rasp, "Why." That's all she could think of was the why, the woman in front of her murdered their parents centuries ago. Evy stared at her for a while and it made her feel uncomfortable, squirming slightly in what little room she had.

"Because of you."


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