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"They know who we are. They know what we are"

𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 on a hill in the middle of nowhere

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𝐒𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 on a hill in the middle of nowhere. Cosi, Joe, Andy, and Book sat thinking about how wrong this whole mission went. Nicky digging a hole on the opposite side of them, was made to throw their bloody clothes in the hole.

"One has to admire Mr. Copley's attention to detail. Those shoes were a particularly grotesque touch," Joe says, sort of admiring the fact that they were all tricked into doing last night's mission.

Causing Cosi to softly chuckle at the fact, she caught the incoming flannel being thrown at her by Andy. The others had all changed into their newly clean outfits besides Cosi as they waited for her to finish.

"I knew this would happen," Andy mumbles to herself but the rest of us heard it. Speaking a little louder, "I said it."

Cosi looked down at her feet with guilt, suddenly finding her boots interesting as she thought back to the lingering feeling she had before they landed. Swallowing back at the thought, she debated whether she should speak up or stayed silent afraid that they would be suspicious of how she could've known that.

"We did it right, Andy. For the right reasons." Nicky sighs tiredly.

"And what did it get us, Nicky? What?" Andy snapped. "Nothing. We've done nothing. The world isn't getting any better. It's getting worse."

"She's right, guys. Even if we are doing good for people, there're still others worse than the ones we previously face. No matter what we do, there's always bad somewhere in the world." Cosi signs out the words a little tirelessly, assuming it was from the amount of power she had used in the previous battle.

"I checked him out completely, and...everything seemed legit. I'm sorry, guys." Book sighed with guilt taking over as he shook his head disappointed in himself.

"They know who we are. They know what we are," Andy emphasized on the 'what' before engulfing into silence once more. "We have to find Copley. We have to tie this thing off."

"And then what," Book stood up looking at her in question.

"And then nothing. The world can burn for all I care," She then stands up and grabs her ax. "I'm done."

Cosi's eyes followed her walking away from them, looking to the others silently asking what they should do now.


Currently, the group back on the train slept soundly, that was until they began to have flashbacks of the girl they had yet to meet. Cosi gasps harshly as she sits up gripping her throat as if someone had cut her throat, next to her Andy breathed heavily seemingly to catch her breath.

Andy buries her head into her hands, mumbling tirelessly. "No...no, not another. Not now."

"It was a woman. A black woman." Nicky starts to describe what he saw.

"I saw an older woman in a hijab." Joe points out as he pulls out his sketch journal, quickly sketching what he could remember and going off by what was described to him. Looking up from his journal, towards Book for more intel. "What did you see?"

"I saw...I saw part of a name tag." Book stuttered out, obviously still in shock from what we saw. That's when it struck Cosi, snapping her fingers in order to get Joe's attention.

"What did you see, Cosi?" Joe asks, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Her last name is Freeman, her first name starts with an N." She quickly signed in a rush, luckily the team got used to that with time; was able to catch every word.

"Dirt floors, clay walls. A medevac." Nicky nods in agreement and lists off other things.

"Yeah, so maybe a, uhh...a coalition...medical team." Joe guesses, continuing with the sketch.

Cosi shook her head disagreeing and it didn't go unnoticed by Booker. Book voicing out her thoughts for them, "Cosi doesn't think that she could be medical." He pulls out a flask that contains alcohol as he touches his throat. "I felt her die."

"She's a marine. Combat or near combat duty. Afghanistan," Andy sighs. "It's been 200 years. Why now?" Whispering the last part to herself, but everybody still heard.

"Everything happens for a reason, boss." Cosi signed while placing her hand on Andy's shoulder for comfort.

Andy scoffs as she shakes her head. Joe decides on what they should do with the spare time that they have, "We have to find her."

Book disregarding that plan immediately, "No, we stick to the plan. We find Copley."

Joe couldn't believe what he was hearing, retorting back. "So we just leave her out in the open?"

"No, we're in the open." Book pointed out to Joe, gesturing to the rest of us. "We're the ones who are exposed now."

"Not like her," Nicky immediately adds, gaining the team's attention on him. He looks down as if he was thinking about something. "Not like her..."

"Nick-," Book wanted to reason with him but was immediately cut off by Nicky's defensive statement.

"You can't tell me you don't remember what it was like." Nick calmly told him looking up. "Whoever she is, she's confused, and she's scared." Closing his eyes momentarily, "She's more alone than she has ever been in her entire life. We all remember what it was like."

Cosi nodded her head subtly, silently agreeing with him before signing to him, "She needs us."

"I'll handle the retrieval," Andy told the team, making the final decision on her own before standing up. Cosi, choosing to follow her lead, stood up alongside her, "I'll come with."

Book looking at the both of us, weakly attempted to reason, "Hey, boss. Cosi, come on."

"If we're dreaming about her, she's dreaming about us." Andy firmly says to him as she grabs her stuff.

"Making her beacon that leads straight to us," Cosi adds to Andy's statement. Book pursed his lips, having a mental debate about the situations that they were just put in.

Looking to the ground, he sighed, caving into the plan, "What do we do in the meantime?"

"Get to France. Use the Charlie safe house. We'll meet you there." Andy finalized before turning around heading straight for the exit. Joe ripped the sketch that he just finished, handing it to Cosi who was patiently waiting.

"Don't forget to find Copley," Cosi reminded them in case they forgot what they were originally supposed to do before the whole dream fiasco.

Nick sends her a soft reassuring smile, "Of course. You be safe and behave." Cosi narrowing her eyes at him annoyed that he treats her as if she was a child, rolled her eyes giving him a short salute before jumping off the moving train.


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