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"They'll kill her tonight"

"They'll kill her tonight"

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Because of you. It repeatedly rewinds in her mind, all thoughts that she had suppressed before came rushing back to the surface. What did she do? Evy began to speak up after a moment of silence, "You still don't get it?"

Evy shook her head that made Cosi even more confused than she already was. She thought back to the time, racking her brain for answers but her childhood was lived too shortly. Most of her memories as a child faded away long after she made new memories in her immortal life.

"Our parents had a plan, that was to kill you Cosi, or worse...you become their lab rat." Evy stared at her intensely as if it was the most obvious thing in the world but it wasn't, at least for Cosi. "Do you remember the time when I was to surprise you with your favorite treat?"

Cosi subtly nodded at that, it was the only happy memory she could remember of her and Evy but also the day of the crime her sister had committed.



Evy had just returned from a trip across the sea; planned to surprise her little sister with something sweet. They were living poor but Evy worked hard enough to earn a living that way she could take Cosi with her and escape their adoptive parents. She walked down the familiar streets towards the location of a bakery, accidentally bumping into a woman she didn't see on the way.

"I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" She quickly apologized but frowned at how the woman stared back at her as if she planned for this moment to happen. The woman surprised Evy when she grabbed her arm to pull her closer. "Ma'am?"

"Someone in your life is cursed with darkness, and they'll kill her tonight." The woman spoke so bluntly that it surprised her again. Attempting to pull her arm away, the woman gripped on tighter. There was a type of fear in her eyes that Evy didn't understand.

"Please let go of my arm before I make a scene."Evy snarled, no longer putting up the weak act. "If you come near me again or the person you just mention I will kill you."


"I did what I had to do. You're more powerful than you think Cosi." Evy finished with her point of view. Now they were just sitting in silence as Cosi was processing the new information that she was just told. "Also as to how I'm alive, I somehow got stuck in ice and survived...etc, etc."

Cosi furrowed her brows, confused, "Stuck in ice?" It was now that Cosi realized how much older Evy had looked but she looked as if she only aged for three years after she had run away from her. Suddenly an idea came to her, almost forgetting that she could've used her magic to break out of her restraints. Focusing on the magic that flowed through her veins, nothing happened.

Evy took notice of Cosi's attempt to free herself, smiling with amusement, "It's not going to work, I had someone design a wristband for you. It's amazing really, technology these days."

Cosi inwardly sighed, keeping calm so that she won't lose control of herself and say something she might regret. "Why are you bothering me now? You got a second chance at life to do something else but you still choose to come after me." She had never felt so furious in her life. It was chaos after chaos. Was she really cursed? Is she made to suffer living with her cursed powers, along with the ability, unable to die? All this looking over her shoulder in hopes that days like this wouldn't come came true

Evy walked over to her side, stroking the side of Cosi's face, "I wanted us to be together again." Cosi turned her head to look away from someone who she no longer called her sister. Evy pursed her lips at that action before leaving the room to continue on with her plan.


 Do you guys like the new cover? Cause I do and it's fricking amazing. Thanks to people-suck- she's amazing and did a fantastic job on it. 

I hope you guys liked this one and the next one and the one after that ;) I tried to make it really interesting just for you guys. 

Don't forget to vote and comment :)

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