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"It's happening whether you want it or not"

The sound of both soft and loud snores along with the passing planes was all that could be heard

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The sound of both soft and loud snores along with the passing planes was all that could be heard. Everyone was sleeping away their problems, for that would be tomorrow's problem. Cosi twisted and turned in her sleep, a recurring memory from her past flashed through her mind once more

"Evy! What did you do?!" The small brunette haired girl shouts in horror as she looks at all the damage and bloody crime scene in front of her, but the person who held the knife was the scariest of all.

"I killed them," She looked up at me with cold dead eyes and a sinister smile. The little girl stumbled back in shock, backing away further as her sister came closer. Turning around, she made a beeline to the door, running away as fast as her legs could take her through the streets.

"You can run but I'll always find you Cosi!" Her sister shouts to the little girl at a distance as a warning. That was something she could never forget.

Cosi suddenly shot up looking around in panic, still feeling disoriented from her dream until she saw the sleeping bodies beside her. Seemingly calming down, Nile soon followed with a sharp gasp waking everyone else in the process. The others pulled out their gun from under their pillow instinctively but soon relaxed when they realized it was just Nile having a nightmare.

"What's going on?" Booker questions, startled by her actions as he looks over to Nile. "What happened?"

"She just had a nightmare," Cosi sign to them as she bit my bottom lip running one hand down her face tiredly. It seemed that she wasn't the only one having nightmares at the moment. Cosi looked over to Nile in concern, seeing as she was still getting a hold of herself. "You okay?"

"It's just a...a bad dream," She shakes her head slowly, closing her eyes still trying to catch her breath. "I'm sorry."

Joe softly groans, laying back down, while Nick leaned on his hand, "Tell us."

Nile opens her eyes, looking over to me then to everyone else. "I saw flashes of it before..." She blinks a couple of times trying to think back to it. "When I first dreamt of all of you, but now it's clearer."

"I dreamed about a woman locked in an iron coffin...under the sea." Nile trails off as she thinks back on her dream. "She kept...drowning and then coming back to life."

Nicky's and everyone else's eyes widen knowing the story, taking a short glance at Andy. She watches Nile intensely, eyes filled with different emotions all at once. Emotions that Andy rarely shows.

"She was hammering her bloody fists and knees against the iron. She felt like something insane, something furious," Nile continues as she rocks back and forth. "But she kept fighting...and she kept drowning."

Nile's eyes brim with tears continuing to rock back and forth as if she lived that moment. She felt as if she and the woman from her dreams were one and drowned inside the tightly closed iron coffin.

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