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They're real, as real as it gets. Being part of the supernatural didn't really help people like us live the normal life we wanted but this time it's not just being immortals, this is different, she was different. Someone who has powers that none others possess and they shouldn't because, in the wrong hands, it can be lethal, a dangerous weapon. Some would say it's impossible...but there she was, here I am. Cosima Maes, the only immortal with powers in existence and the only one of her kind. 

For many centuries, she had to live in secret. Her powers and her identity. Running and hiding, it was tiring but it was a better and higher chance than to be exposed. The fear of being discovered and experimented on was the reason why she does this. She calls herself a monster or better yet... an abomination but in other people's eyes they may see it as a gift, but a gift that's also a burden. For a while, she's been alone, it was easier that way. 

Being alone also came with silence. I stopped talking to myself out loud and to anyone else. So I just got used to being mute. I don't remember the last time I used my voice but I've been using sign language instead ever since. It just naturally became a second language. 

However, everything changed when she came upon someone who she thought was once dead and soon realizes the visions that she has been getting since day one were people she was supposed to find, people like her...other immortals. As time pasts by the newest faces that she meets start become the faces of her new founding family. It was fate to find each other, to fight by each other, and to use our purpose to make a difference to the world a little bit better.


Warning: Scenes will contain strong language and violence throughout the chapters of this story.

Disclaimer: All the characters and the storyline aren't owned by me. All rights are reserved to the creator of THE OLD GUARD. But I do own COSIMA and her story plot, plus dialogue throughout.

Author's Note: The intro might not be as interesting as it sounds but I hope that the chapters will be better. Also for future references, there will be flashbacks to this story, so it will be in italics. Some certain parts will have italics too but just in case, it's not a flashback, you'll know it when it is. Don't forget to vote and comment. Enjoy! 😙✌🏼

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