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"Can you please not do that again?"

Currently Andy and Cosi are heading towards their destination — Andy had managed to rent a jeep in the short amount of time that they've been there

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Currently Andy and Cosi are heading towards their destination — Andy had managed to rent a jeep in the short amount of time that they've been there. She was quiet for the entire ride but there was no blaming her, if more Cosi understood why. Cosi couldn't stand to take the silence anymore, so doing what she normally does. She turned on the radio. Andy turned off the radio immediately, caused Cosi to be annoyed at her. It then became a game of turning it on and off until Cosi lost her patience with Andy.

"Would you stop that! I'm trying to listen to music," Cosi gestured to the turned-off radio before turning it back on. She glared at Andy's attempt to turn it back off once more, Andy raising her one hand up in defense, was enough to satisfy Cosi knowing that she had won.

Cosi's moment, unfortunately, had to come to an end — arriving at their destination. Andy moved to leave the car immediately, leaving Cosi to struggle following considering she had short legs.

Slowly sneaking around the corner of the military base, they peaked around the corner of the large crate next to them on each side. Catching sight of the girl they were looking for, she was sitting alone listening to music peacefully, that was until a couple of people approached her. Andy and Cosi moved back slightly to stay hidden but enough to still see what was happening.

"Been looking for you." The first soldier says to the girl.

"Wheels up on your ride." The second one adds. Andy and Cosi began leaving their position, aggressively approaching the two distracted soldiers. Andy elbowed the first guy on the left on his face leaving Cosi to grab the second one by the neck slamming his head to the corner of the crate behind her; rendering him unconscious. Cosi smirking at the sight straightens herself up only to be met by a gun pointing at her.

"Who are you?" The dark-skinned girl fearfully asked Cosi, still keeping her grip tight on the gun. Cosi just smiled at her, giving Andy the chance to take the gun; pointed it back at her.

"Andromache the Scythian," Andy told the dark-skinned girl before hitting her temple with the butt of the gun. Cosi caught her fall, holding her up under her arms, "But you can call me Andy."


Cosi was left to drag their new companion to the back of the car. Placing her in a weird position, Cosi was just satisfied with putting her in the car, dusting off her hands, Cosi made her way to the passenger seats. Andy turned on the car radio music this time put a smile on both their faces. Cosi turned on the radio a little louder which turned into a full jamming session.

The dark-skinned girl began to regain her consciousness, feeling distorted, she looked around confused for a second before remembering that she had just been kidnapped. Peaking over the backseat of the car, Andy and Cosi were too distracted to notice her, giving her the chance to kick the back trunk open — jumping out as that was her grand plan to escape.

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