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"We need the other two womens"

Andy was the first to enter, wearily glancing around to make sure that there wasn't anyone else left to come back at us

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Andy was the first to enter, wearily glancing around to make sure that there wasn't anyone else left to come back at us. The sight of Booker made Cosi feel sick to her stomach and looked away from the destruction that the people who found them made, she knew he would be fine, he was in a way still new.

"Shit," Nile inaudibly whispers to herself at the sight of him.

"Booker," Andy quickly glanced at him, kicking his feet attempting to wake him up. "You still with me?" He still laid unmoving, alarming Andy and Cosi, afraid that he may not actually wake up. Andy gave the gun to Nile, "Clear the back room."

"Cosi, go find Joe and Nicky. I got this," She rested her hand on Cosi's shoulder. Cosi nodded her head, taking her eyes away from Book before looking into the room she last saw them but there were no signs of them. Frustrated and scared for her family, Cosi felt as if the church was suffocating her. Leaving to get some fresh air, she took a deep breath; subconsciously reached for the necklace that laid around her neck. The action made her realize how much she missed her family in Belgium, but unfortunately, they were dead.

The sound of a twig snapping interrupted her train of thoughts, as she held up her gun immediately. Taking a look at her surroundings, she was met with nothing but it didn't mean that she didn't feel a presence lingering around. Cosi slowly walked backward making her back inside the church; released a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"It hurts everywhere," Booker groans, face contorting from the pain. "How bad is it?"

Cosi smiled at the sight of him, relieved that he was alive but still worried about the missing couple. Placing a hand on his shoulder, catching his attention, "It's an improvement."

Book slightly chuckles; pulls himself up to a more comfortable position.

Andy stood up from her crouching position, finally taking in the mess of destruction, "How many?"

Book looked up slightly at her, plainly answering, "I don't know."

"Where are Nicky and Joe?" She quickly asks another, testing to see if he knew anything else but to her disappointment didn't get a straight answer.

"I don't know!" Book snaps, frustrated with the questions he didn't know how to answer. He closed his eyes, trying to think back, "I...I turned on the game. A grenade hit me. Lost the plot after that."

Cosi mentally sighs, also filled with frustration. The remaining team of immortals unaware that there were still two hidden vans parked outside near the church. A soldier reported through a walkie, "Two in transport."

"No, no. We need the other two women." Copley demands through his radio as he monitors the cams. Seeing if he could catch sight of whom he was looking for.

"Wasn't there, and the other guy's in pieces." The soldier simply replies.

Copley wasn't going to give up just yet, mumbling to himself before turning to the person on his left, "She's there." The person didn't spare him a glance - leaving him to fidget in his seat alone while she went looking for someone specifically herself.


Andy slightly paced in her steps, realization hitting her, "Copley."

"So what do we do now? They have Joe and Nick," Cosi signs to her, ready to impulsively leave the room to find them on her own; planning to put her unknown powers to use.

"Copley?" Nile interjects confusion washed over her face as she still didn't know what was happening.

"They're coming back. They want all of us." Andy rambles, making her way towards the exit. She turned to the two women, "Stay here. Wait for my signal."

Cosi stepped forward to protest along with Nile calling out to her, but she had already left. Cosi tensed, clenching her fist feeling frustrated that she was to wait here. Nile turned to face Booker, "What does that even mean?"

He laughed with amusement but it came out with soft coughing, "You'll know it when it comes." Looking down at his open wound, he felt the need to explain, "And, by the way, it's not always like this now. Big wounds take longer to heal."

"Sure." She sarcastically responded unamused with him. Meanwhile, Cosi felt conflicted with herself - she didn't want to stay, they could handle themselves without her. Making up her mind, she beelined towards the door Andy left through. Grabbing another gun off the table, "Wait Cosi-"

Nile's calling for her fell deaf to her ears - stepping outside, she tried to follow the steps that Andy had gone. Screams of agony were heard from across the building, assuming that's where she was, someone else pulled her back harshly by the arm. Cosi kicked back hitting the person's shin, spun around face to face with no one in particular.

"I finally found you," A voice she hadn't heard in centuries made fears shiver run down her spine. Spinning around again, Cosi's breath hitched in her throat, distracted at the sight. Someone else took the opportunity to inject her with a tranquilizer, unable to hold back the sedative - the darkness took over her.


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