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"We could do some good"

Cosi has been to every single store in this mall at least a hundred times already

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Cosi has been to every single store in this mall at least a hundred times already. The same sounds of people's chattering and the pitter-pattering that people make when their feet walk across the floor. Cosi wasn't merely wandering around to shop for nice clothes and jewelry but to simply pass the time. Thinking to herself about how they'll be seeing each other again for the first time in years, aside from Joe and Nicky, she'd be lying if she wasn't the least bit excited.

Apart from that, reuniting was not why we were seeing each other again after all these years. They had been offered another mission by someone they once worked with. It was unusual to work with the same person again twice but "it was something" as Nick put it.

Seeing that Cosi was running out of time to spare. Taking her time toward the direction of the hotel, new buildings that weren't here before made her wonder with awe. Before she knew it, she stood right in front of the doors entering the lobby.

Walking in and out of the elevator after her card was handed back, Cosi stopped midway sensing that someone else was near. Booker entered her line of sight, seemingly to have also come out of the elevator beside her, unknowingly let out an inaudible sigh of relief. She had been carefully cautious everywhere she went ever since that day, pushing it aside, Cosi suddenly had the dumbest idea to sneak up on him as a surprise. Seeing as she saw her chance to tackle him to the floor, letting out a quiet groan she was the one to end up on the floor instead.

"I saw you coming from a mile away," Book smugly smiles to himself as Cosi subtly glares at him playfully.

"Cosi!" Andy laughs at my attempt to surprise attack. Holding her hand out to me, Cosi smiled at her grabbing her hand gratefully, only to embrace each other tightly. Pulling back from the hug, she took in my appearance, "Wow...how are you?"

"Pretty good, although, now that you're here I feel a lot better now." Cosi sign jokingly pointing at Joe and Nicky's place behind me.

"It's not like I wanted a hug or anything." Book interrupted, while playfully rolling his eyes. Gently smiling at him, Cosi went over to give him her infamous hugs. Okay, obviously she's over exaggerating.

"Hey, I'm a bit offended, Cosi." Joe's sudden presence made her jolt a little, seeing as she didn't sense him coming. Giving us all a good laugh, Cosi felt nostalgic about the old days of when they would all laughed over a dumb joke long ago. Calming themselves down, they had placed themselves over to the couch where the living room held. Booker and Cosi sat on opposite sides of the long couch as Andy placed herself between us. Joe sat on the far left of Booker, while Nicky stayed standing.

"I have something for you," Nicky proposes to Andy, what it seems to be a small brown paper-wrapped package.

"Nicky!" She smiles brightly at him already knowing what it is. Inhaling the small package, she hums with content. "Mmm...Baklava."

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