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"You don't speak Russian, do you"

Andy's sarcastic comment, passed through the dark-skinned girl's mind, feeling that the more she was in the now, felt more possible that she was — is in fact an immortal

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Andy's sarcastic comment, passed through the dark-skinned girl's mind, feeling that the more she was in the now, felt more possible that she was — is in fact an immortal. Cosi felt a pang of guilt that she had to live the life that they lived now. Never growing old wasn't an option anymore and having to hide their true identity from the rest of the world before the world found out that they haven't aged a day.

"Listen, kid, you already believe in..." Andy pointed to the sky looking up without saying God's name. "You should just keep following that illogic. You're already on board with the supernatural. If I were you I'd get some sleep."

Andy just turns around after that, wrapping herself with her jacket to rest. Cosi, feeling sympathetic for the girl in front of her, reached her hand out on the dark-skinned girl's knee as a form of comfort. The dark-skinned girl felt less tense around Cosi, she didn't know what it was but it was comforting. Cosi retracting her hand, signaled her to get some sleep before doing so herself.


Cosi's eyes flutter open as her senses start coming back. The feeling of discomfort annoyed her to an extent, so attempting to position herself to a more comfortable side she was met with a tug from her wrist preventing her to move further. Furrowing her brows with confusion, she opened her eyes slowly looking to her wrist which was indeed restrained to a bar. Now feeling annoyed, she looked to see Andy in the same situation as her but their new companion was nowhere in sight.

"We're not going to Paris." The dark-skinned girl announced after watching Andy and Cosi fully awaken. The both of them watched the dark-skinned girl point a gun she had found from god knows where at the pilot.

"Andrei. Come here." Andy calmly told the pilot. He turned his head when he heard his name, hesitantly getting up.

"Sit your ass back down." The dark-skinned girl snapped at him causing him to sit back down immediately with his hand in the air. He looked back at Andy slightly not sure what to do.

"Stand up," Andy commanded again and so he did slightly cautiously, looking at the dark-skinned girl pointing the gun at him.

"You do not listen to her. You listen to me," The dark-skinned girl began to feel frustrated and frankly pissed at the pilot not complying. Inching closer to him threateningly, "Land this plane."

Cosi discreetly moved her free arm, gripping onto the gun she had kept close in case of an emergency and well in this case. It was an emergency.

"Trust me, she's not going to shoot you," Andy states getting bored of this situation already, "She is." Referring to Cosi, she pulled out the hidden gun pressing on the trigger immediately shooting him in the back of the head just after Andy spoke something to him in Russian.

The dark-skinned girl turned around with wide eyes, gunpoint now at Cosi. She wasn't expecting Cosi to do something like that — turning back and forth between Cosi and the pilot she just killed the dark-skinned girl felt the panic rising within her. "Who's gonna fly the plane?!"

Cosi shrugged her shoulder carelessly as Andy told the panicking girl as if it was nothing, "We don't need a pilot. We can jump and survive." The dark-skinned girl looks as if she was about to shit her pants at the thought of having to jump off a moving plane. Cosi and Andy knew that the pilot wasn't dead but she didn't have to know that.

"I am not jumping from a plane!" The dark-skinned girl shouts with frustration lacing in her voice. Out of nowhere, the plane starts to tilt down from the sky rattling at the same time. Cosi struggled to hold onto the bar, pulling herself up to steady herself.

"Whoa! Shit! Maybe we do need a pilot," Andy chuckled humorlessly while looking at the dark-skinned girl. Andy raised her restraint arm signaling for the dark-skinned girl to unlock it for her but she was hesitant to. "I can fly a plane."

The dark-skinned girl looked to Cosi as Cosi gave her a slight nod of confirmation, she caved in knowing that Andy was her next best chance. Andy patiently waiting for the dark-skinned girl to release her, "You don't speak Russian, do you?"

"Why?" The dark-skinned girl immediately perks up at Andy's random question. Cosi pursed her lips to contain herself from smiling.

Finally succeeding in unlocking the restraints, Andy got up, "Because I told the pilot to play dead." The dark-skinned girl looked back at the pilot who she thought was dead. Reacting immediately, the dark-skinned girl swung her hand aiming to punch her target in the face but Andy saw her coming — grabbing her wrist, she forced the dark-skinned girl down on her back.

Cosi cringed at the sight of the impact that the dark-skinned girl took. Cosi found the empty bottle that Andy had finished drinking earlier, taking it into her hand she smashed it picking the biggest piece while attempting to cut herself free. The dark-skinned girl got back up; began tackling Andy, pushing her to the back of the plane but Andy forced her off, slamming her to metal crates beside her.

"You really want to do this, kid?" Andy heavily breathes, questioning the latter with a smile of amusement that plastered her face. The dark-skinned girl gave Andy a death glare before swinging another punch. Andy dodging her attacks, using that same moment, she elbowed the dark-skinned girl from her lower back.

Cosi was almost onto the last thread, wiggling her wrist out at the same time she managed to escape. Quickly getting up, she moved towards the two fighting — grabbing onto the dark-skinned girl's shoulder she turned her around, connecting her fist to the dark-skinned girl's face leaving her to fall onto the seat. Cosi flipping her hair back felt the adrenaline now rushing in through her system.

Smiling mischievously, the fallen girl stood up onto her feet and moved to grab Cosi from her legs attempting to bring her down but missed entirely when Cosi grabbed her from the nape of her neck, swinging her around towards Andy. They twisted and turned in every direction until Andy ducked suddenly, rendering the dark-skinned girl punching Cosi face to the side.

There was a sudden pause until she turned to look at the dark-skinned girl with a smile, spitting out blood, she grabbed the latter's still extended arm twisting it to the point where the elbow bone ripped through her flesh. Cosi dropped her arm and walked away as a signal that they were done but the now injured girl didn't want to give up the fight just yet until Cosi turned immediately kicking the dark-skinned girl's ankle with a force that it broke. Finally making the dark-skinned girl give up.

"You're very good," Andy states as she walks towards the injured girl kneeling down closer to her. "What's your name?"

"Nile." She replied shortly.

Cosi in the back inwardly rolled her eyes at the thought that she should've thought to ask Nile her name in the beginning. Andy grinning smugly, "You see? You're already healing faster."

Nile hesitantly looks over to her elbow watching it heal by itself. She frowns in confusion before looking over to her ankle as it twists itself back into its original form; pushed her to realize that she's not really dreaming.

"Is this real?" Nile falters. "I got people that love me. People that are gonna worry." Andy and Cosi's face soften in sympathy for her. "I'm a Marine. They think I went AWOL."

"You're not a Marine anymore, Nile," Andy states firmly. "They're gonna lock you up."

Nile just rocked back and forth, scared and confused etched onto her face. Cosi placed her hand over Nile's knee gently, reassuring that they would be with her every step of the way. Standing up, she held her hand out to Nile — taking it after a moment of debate, the three exchanged small nods knowing that they were going to be alright for now.


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