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"Well I'm glad you're safe"

The rest of the car ride stayed silent as Andy, Book, and Nile headed to their destination in mind

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The rest of the car ride stayed silent as Andy, Book, and Nile headed to their destination in mind. Nile, still new to this whole thing, not even 1 day has passed yet and there was already something happening - she also couldn't help wonder how calm the two people in front of her were now that three members are missing. The car stopped momentarily in front of a worn-out gate, Book got out from the passenger side to open the gate for them to go through. Their surroundings consisted of green mountains and trees until they stopped in a specific spot that Nile wasn't aware of until Andy pulled back the string of plants revealing a hidden door.

Never cease to amaze her of all the hidden spots, she curiously looked around, "What is this place?"

"An abandoned mine," Andy says as she lit an old-fashioned lamp. "We stumbled on it during the Baussenque Wars, 1150s maybe? I used to keep my stuff here."

Succeeding in lighting the old lamp, Andy handed it to Nile to take and wander around in curiosity. Old paintings and artifacts laid around to which Nile did not miss, simply because you would have never seen it in this century but the place was like a walk-through museum except it's in a mine cave.

Nile lifted up a sheet, surprised at what she found, pointing at the statute, "Is this a Rodin?" Andy replied with a simple yes but it still left Nile in awe with the original statue in front of her. "This is an honest-to-God Rodin. Wait...did you know him?"

"Probably biblically." Book chimes in, chuckling at his own joke amusing Andy, she pushed him in response.

"Get to work finding Copely," Andy softly says to Book now that they are in a secure area at the moment. "He's got Nicky, Joe, and Cosi."


Hours had already passed by for the remaining team of immortals to which Andy soon became a little impatient, "Come on, Book. You've been working on that for hours." She continued to pace around until she felt a pain shooting through her shoulder.

"He's a security expert. He leaves no footprints," Book pointed out. "It's gonna take time."

"You got a satellite link?" Nile asked Book, who shortly answered back a yes. No one took notice of Andy's pained expression as she touched her shoulder inside of her jacket and looked to see the sight of blood sticking to her fingertips. Realization hit her that her time of immortal life was gone.

"Follow the money," Nile suggested to Book. "Whoever he's working for, maybe? That's how we track militants but I'm sure you already tried that."

"Yeah, it won't hurt to try again." Book sighs agreeing without looking at her.

"You know how it works, Nile," Andy spoke up as she put on the spare jacket. "Get some sleep while you can."

"I brought you a change of clothes." Book looked up at Nile pointing to a tan duffel bag that showed some clothes sticking out of it. Nile didn't bother to reply back.

"I'm going out for a bit," Andy announced walking past them and towards the exit.

"Are you all right, boss?" Book asks with concern lacing in his voice, taking notice of her changed behavior. Andy just replied shortly with a yeah. He turned around after a second, taking a deep breath before he got back to work.


Andy made her way into a drug store looking for supplies to sanitize her wound and maybe a couple of snacks. A girl that was dressed in all black, dark purple lipstick with smudge black eyeliner underneath her eye, eyed Andy from where she stood.

Putting all the things she needed in her basket, she made her way to the counter. The girl quickly places all the things in a plastic bag as police sirens are heard from a distance alerting Andy to look over her shoulder for a second. "Do you have a bathroom?"

"No," The girl shortly responds with an accent. Andy looks down with defeat making the girl look at her sympathetically. "But we have a storeroom, do you need help?"

Before Andy could respond, the chimes of the entry doorway signaled both the two women's attention. To Andy's surprise, it was Cosi. Andy sighs with relief as she goes to inspect any wounds on her. Hugging her, she felt her tense and the hesitance from Cosi which was an unusual move for her but she relished in the fact that one of her friends was safe.

Andy pulled out of the hug, but held her at arm's length, "What happened to you? We thought you were taken?" Andy didn't miss the way that there were bloodstains on her outfit but didn't question it either.

"Copley's men found me. Caught me off guard but I managed to escape and hide from them. I figured I would find you guys here." Cosi signed to her.

"Well, I'm glad you're safe." Andy nodded her head with understanding with a small smile. She turned around to the girl at the counter. "Could I still use that storage room?"

The girl nodded, motioning with her hand to follow her. Andy quickly followed her which made Cosi curious and followed her too. Cosi's mouth gaped open in shock seeing that there was a fresh wound and the fact that Andy needed to bandage it made her question even more. She had thought that these people healed so why didn't she heal? Andy avoided Cosi's look knowing she would question her later but to her surprise, she didn't when they were walking through the city streets heading in the direction of Andy's car.

"You haven't asked," Andy blurted warily, questioning Cosi now that she noticed there was something different about her.

"What do you mean?" Cosi signs furrowing her brow, showing signs of confusion.

"You're not questioning my wound, why?" Andy knew Cosi and the woman next to her was not her. She still kept her calm position as she plans to expose her later when they reach the abandoned mines.

"Your business is yours, I figure you're just healing really slow." Cosi simply replied with a shrug at the end. That was her first mistake, immortals know that there is no slow healing when it comes to small wounds.

"Right," Was all Andy said as they got into the car.


I know, I know. This chapter didn't have that much of a cliffhanger. Lowkey running out of ideas but to those that read the "a/n", I just wanted to thank those of you for reading Darkness. To be honest, I was about to give up on this fanfic because there wasn't any motivation but I reached 1.5k and I'm extremely grateful for that.

I hope you guys liked this chapter and don't forget to vote and comment! 

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