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"None of us had a choice"

There was a long pause of silence between the three women, two relishing the peacefulness and the other was

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There was a long pause of silence between the three women, two relishing the peacefulness and the other was...waiting for when the silence was going to end. "Guys, I found something," Book abruptly came out from the very same wall Nile recently walked out through. He stopped to look at Cosi, unphased by her sudden appearance nodding to her before continuing what he was going to say. "An address just outside of London."

Immediately Andy got up but stopped seeing that Nile was hesitating still looking at the picture of her family on her screen. Softly voiced, "We gotta go."

Reluctantly, Nile placed the phone into her hand with a blank expression. Cosi pursed her lips with impatience. She wanted to get this over with.


Driving at an immense speed would've surely freaked the hell out for a normal person but for an immortal who's been driving like this for years was normal for them. Making a stop in front of a building at a safe distance, the team immediately got out.

"Go scout the back," Andy ordered looking at Book as she put the given gun on the waistband of her pants. Book went ahead first, leaving the three women behind.

"I'll go with him in case he needs backup," Cosi signs to them to which Andy agrees, planning on waiting to deal with her later but unknowingly the later isn't too far. Leaving the two left alone. Andy gave a gun to Nile but she didn't take it as Andy expected her to.

"I can't do this," Nile said to Andy with disappointment and uncertainty with the gun in her hand as she held it out to Andy to take it back.

"Yes, you can," Andy encourages without looking at her, focused on how she was going to get Nick and Joe out of the building.

"I mean, I'm not doing this," Nile spoke a little more firmly, catching Andy's attention this time. Andy's expression slowly turned into a look of despair - the gun that Nile was holding out to her was shoved into her chest. Nile turns her head away avoiding the look on Andy's face.

"Your one of us now," Andy softly said to her trying to get her to listen. "We would do the same for you."

"I never even had a choice-" Nile spoke back with a hint of anger but quickly cut off.

"None of us had a choice." Andy desperately told her, closing the trunk, turning to face her again. "There isn't a choice."

"The day I died," Nile turns to face her once more with a sad look, hoping to convince her why she couldn't do this. "I killed the guy that killed me." It earned a sympathetic look from the latter, continuing, "They try to condition us, you know? Thousands of hours of training. Two shots, quick kill...but they can't teach you how to live with it."

"You've gotta feel it, Nile." Andy spoke up after the pregnant pause, moving her face closer to Nile's. "Every one."

"I saw what you did in that church." Nile shakes her head, disagreeing and exposed to Andy what she saw that day at the church. "All those bodies. Is that supposed to be me? Is that what we're supposed to do and we don't even know why?"

"You think knowing is gonna make you sleep better at night?" Andy quickly adds before Nile could say anymore.

"I can't be that." Nile shakes her head still against how she was going to live her life with these people. "My family, they're gonna get old and I won't, but it'll be years before they realize that. I still have time with them."

"Here," Andy caved in, seeing as it was no use to convince Nile. Pulling out the gun from the back of her waistband, she held it out for the latter to take. Without hesitating, Nile took the small gun from her hand. "Take the car, and when you ditch it, ditch the weapons."

"You going to be okay?" Nile asks, feeling guilty for leaving but she was doing this for herself.

"Always," Andy shortly replies, taking one last look at Nile before walking past her. Nile looked back at her and down to the ground with guilt but still took off for her own selfish needs.


Andy and Book stealthily moved throughout the house and up the stairs with their guns pointed out in front of them. Reaching the peak of the stairs, Andy hid behind the opened doors where Copely stands, back facing them, staring at the pinned board that's filled with cut-out papers and pictures. Andy moved around the doors she hid behind, quickly scanning her surroundings, "Where are they?"

Copely slowly turns around as if he was expecting them, "Andromache the Scythian." Moving forward unafraid of the woman in front of him. "The eternal warrior."

"Book?" Andy calls out, to make sure if he was following closely behind. He replies back with a simple yes but it wasn't enough. Andy felt uneasy about this whole situation, finally noticing the bulletin board filled with information about her, ignoring that she pulled the gun closer to her again pointing it at Copley once more.

"Where are Joe and Nicky?" Andy asks again, but a gunshot went off hitting Andy on the right side mid-waist, grunting in pain from the impact. Book immediately grabs both of Andy's arms with a zip tie in his hands.

Cosi walked around Andy out of nowhere with the gun in her hand that she just used to shoot Andy and a sinister smile that was expressed visibly on her face. Andy eyed her angrily with suspicion but still clueless on the fact that it's not Cosi.

"What are you doing?!" Andy shouts to both Cosi and Book, struggling to attempt to free herself from his grip. Book softly told her to calm down but she still struggles as Cosi just stands by the sideline watching it happen. "What are you doing?!"

"Andy, calm down!" Book harshly says to Andy bringing her down to her knees as he finally zip ties both of her wrists together.

"No!" Andy screeches, feeling betrayed by the two people in front of her. 


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