Adam Ignored Her

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Dahlia's POV

"I can't believe him. First he lies to us and then he bails. He's such an ass" I ranted kicking Adam's laundry basket over.

"Hey just because you're throwing a fit doesn't mean you can take it out on my laundry" he laughed looking up from his homework.

"It's not funny" I grumbled continuing to pace back and forth

"Maybe instead of worrying about what your father does to be an ass, you should do some homework" Adam smiled.

"I've more important things to do than to figure out at which hour of the race will Bill surpass Steve based on the information given" I rolled my eyes

"That's just fantastic, but when you're over here crying because you got a C+, I get to say I told you so" he smirked.

"I would take that C+ and you know it" I pouted sitting down.

"That's what I thought" Adam laughed.

"That's what I thought"I mimicked as I began working.

Adam rolled his eyes returning to his work.

"What's so important about intersections anyway? It's not like I'm ever going to need this" I complained getting absolutely no where.

Adam impatiently took my paper.

"Heyyy what are you doing" I crossed my arms.

"Doing your homework"


"So I don't have to hear you complain anymore"


"Because it's annoying"


"Do you want me to kick you out"

The next few seconds were quiet.

"Adam" I whispered.

He rolled his eyes and looked at me.

"Don't look at me in the tone of voice" I crossed my arms.

"What do you want?" he sighed

"Attention please" I pouted.

Adam sighed placing the work aside and opened his arms. I smiled and climbed into his lap.

"You've got 10 minutes" he said strictly.

"Yeah yeah" I laughed cuddling into him knowing I'd just do my homework tomorrow.

That Monday I sat in science class, surround by people who's soul purpose seemed to be making me uncomfortable. I could feel their glares as Mr Wilson talked about Atoms.

Atom. Adam. I need to stop.

"What atom is this?" Mr. Wilson asked

Not the atom I want to talk about.

3rd person POV

Out of frustration DJ raised her hand.

"Yes Dahlia" Mr Wilson asked

"Can I use the bathroom" She asked politely

Mr. Wilson sighed nodding his head. DJ smiled and grabbed a hall pass. The girl walked to Adam's class and peeking through the door. As if he could tell DJ was staring at him, Adam looked up. DJ smiled at him making him smiled back. She started making funny faces him attempting to get him to laugh.

"Is something funny Mr. Banks?" The teacher asked

"No sir" Adam said trying to contain his laughter

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