"Hey Hans Can You- Oh Shit"

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Dahlia pov

I didn't go to practice the day after....that. Walking into the arena I knew this game was gonna be an absolute disaster. Charlie told me that practice was filled with dad teaching them how to cheat.

Take the fall, act hurt, get indignant

Which I thought was readiculous. I trudged into the locker room. Like usual I was the first one there. I quickly put on an undershirt and sweatpants, then grabbed my skates.

I exited the locker room and sat at my usual spot for Adam. The sad part is I really don't remember how to tie my skates.

Adam came into view. He was wearing slacks, a black shirt covered by a jean jacket, topped of with a beanie on his head.

"Dont you look dapper" I teased giggling at the sight of him

"My mom made me, we're going out for dinner after the game. I brought you clothes. You're coming with" He explained

"Cool" I smiled

He bent down and started to tie my skates.

"You know, I dont remember how to tie my skate because of you" I informed him

"Good cause that means you need me" He looked up at me

"I'll always need you Adam"

"And I'll always need you Dahlia"

He finished with my skates and patted them.

"There you go all set" He said

"Thanks Ad"

I pulled his beanie over his ears.

"You're ears are gonna get cold" I scolded

"DJ stop it" He whined swatting my hand away

"Go to your locker room. Stop trying to fix my hat" He complained

I saluted him.

"Sir yes sir"

He laughed at me.

"You're such a dork"

I gave him a goofy smile then walked to my locker room.

There were more people but not everyone was here yet. I finished putting on the rest of my "gear" which was knee pads and a jersey. Well more like a red sweatshirt with my last name and number taped to the back. The Bank's have offered to give me old gear of Adam or Aidan's, or just straight up buy me new gear. I denied everytime.

They had given me so much and having them buy me new gear, in my opinion was asking to much. I don't understand how people willingly let people spend money on them. I feel bad when someone gets me water, and most of the time that's free.

Dahlia's pov

Like I predicted the game was a complete and total nightmare. Everyone was falling left and right at the slightest touch. Even Goldberg.

"Goldberg you don't fall when they shoot at you" Dad lectured

"Reall good job there coach. We're out here looking like a men's soccer game" I sarcastically complemented him before skating away.

Once again I was put in for the whole game. It's as if the other night didn't happen and I was supposed to listen to every word he said.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw two guy ganging up on Charlie. I would really love to help him, but right now covering our goal is more important. Sorry Charlie.

Miracle on Duck Street~Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now