The Way They Used To

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Adam Pov
(K this is new....)

I couldn't sleep. So many questions rang throughout my head.

How could I be so stupid?

Did she think it was a friendly kiss on the cheek?

Why did she look like she was blushing?

Why do I have a craving for a sandwich right now?

I got no sleep. I need to talk to someone.

I can't talk to Dahlia because that's who my problem is about.

I can't talk to my mom because she would break into a fit of sobs because I'm "growing up". Then she would go get a glass of wine.

I couldn't talk to my dad because he would turn it into a lecture. Usually saying its distracting me from hockey.

My only choice was to talk to Aidan. My brother who had the IQ of a peanut and a 13% overall in math. But girls seemed to be his better subject. Even though he might make fun of me, I was willing to take my chances.

I knocked on his door.

"Go away"

"It's Adam"

"And that's supposed to matter, go away"

I sighed. This is definitely going to hurt my pride, but I desperately need to talk to someone.

"I need your advice" I said hoping he would open the door with just that.

"On?" He questioned

At this point I had no choice.


3rd person pov

Aidan Banks has never jumped out of bed so fast. Teasing,tormenting, and embarrassing his little brother, as well as making himself feel good, was too good of an opportunity to pass up.

He opened the door and pulled Adam inside.

"You've come to the right place young one" Aidan said proudly with a smile

"I kissed Dahlia last night" Adam confessed

Aidan's smile faded as he "passed out". A few second later, he jumped up and repeatedly slapped Adam over the head.

"Ow chill out it was just a kiss on the cheek" Adam said rubbing the back of his head.

"What's the matter with you? What were you thinking?"

Aidan wasnt mad that Adam kissed her on the cheek. In fact, he felt a sense of pride, because his little brother was finally making moves on DJ. Even if they were as small as a kiss on the cheek. He was mad because he had just lost multiple bets, was now out of $350 and the family had to revise their plan, again.

"I wasn't thinking. We were walking home and I dropped her off at her house. She hugged me and said goodnight. She just looked so pretty I couldn't help myself"

Aidan sat down next to him.

"Man you got it bad" Aidan smirked

"Got what bad" Adam said confused

"Oh my poor innocent Adam"

"I'm confused"

"You have a crushy wushy on her" Aidan said in a baby voice

"I do not" Adam protested

"Do you think about her when you're not together" Aidan asked

"Well yeah, but"

Miracle on Duck Street~Adam BanksWhere stories live. Discover now