Hockey and Playboy

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Dahlia pov

"He did what"Connie yelled from the other side of the phone.

"Connie I swear my heart was beating so fast, I thought I was gonna die"

"Oh my gosh, I swear if that boy doesn't realize how much he is in love with you I'm gonna punch him" She gasped dramatically

"He's not in love with me. Hell I don't even think he likes me" I sighed

"Girl,have you seen the way he looks at you. It's like you invented hockey and playboy magazines" She laughed

"Con you're being dramatic"

"You'll realize sooner or later that I am right"

"Whatever, so how's Guy" I singsonged

"I am not talking about this" She said

"Oh come on we cant just talk about my love life with-" I was cut off

"Your live life with who" My dad said standing in the doorway holding a beer in his hand

"Hey Con I gott go code 9" I sighed

"Okay bye" She hung up the phone

"What do you want" I asked

"You gonna answer my question"

"Why do you care"

"Cause you're my kid" He said sitting on the edge of my bed

"It doesnt matter" I rolled my eyes

"Yes it does" He said

"What do you want" I asked again

"Just to check on you" He shrugged

"For the first time in six months" I laughed sarcastically

He stayed silent

"When were you gonna tell me you got a DUI" I crossed my arms

"Hoe did you know" He looked at me

"Its kinda obvious. You're all of the sudden coaching hockey. A sport you've hated for as long as I can remember. You have a new car with a driver, it's not that hard to put two and two together"

"I was gonna tell you when the time was right" He reasoned

"And that time was gonna be" I questioned

He stayed silent

"This is why u think you dont love me" I mumbled trying to bite back tears

"What" He asked

"I said this is why I think you don't love me" I croaked out

"I do love you" He defended

"You sure have a great way of showing it. You're never home. I cant remember the last time we spent time together. I practically live on my own, and when you are here, it's either early in the morning or late at night. You're always drunk off your ass. Yeah I have all the reason in the world to think you love me."I argued with him

"I try my best Dahlia" He yelled throwing his hands in the air, spilling beer on my floor

"You're best try is shit" I grumbled at him

"Dahlia I have to work hard and as much as I can to keep this house and provide you a good life" He said taking a sip from the bottle in his hand.

"A good life. A good life. Yeah a life filled with a father who's practically a drunk,with four DUIs, and a driver because he is a danger to society. And a Mather who left me when I was seven. Seems like the perfect life to me" I said sarcastically

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