Dahlia Jane Watch The Attitude

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3rd person POV

"Weeee" DJ giggled as Adam spun her around while she was on his back

"Who needs legs when I have you to walk me around"

"I'm so glad my soul purpose as your boyfriend is to walk you around" Adam laughed

"No, you're a pretty good kisser too" The girl informed

"I will make you walk" Adam threatened

"No you won't" DJ giggled kissing his cheek

"I will" Adam grumbled like a toddler

"Do it then" DJ spoke

Adam thought for a moment.

"No" he whispered continuing to work

"That's what I thought" the girl grinned

"Are you excited for the championship game" She asked

"A little bit, just nervous I guess" Adam shrugged

"Why, you'll do great" DJ said encouragingly

"Not when I'm getting pummeled every five seconds" The boy sighed

"Don't worry, I'll protect you" The girl smiled

"That's not your job, I can protect myself. It's also my job to protect you" Adam said softly

"Everyone needs protecting, even my own personal superhero" The girl giggled

"I don't need you to worry about me sweetheart" Adam shook his head

"I'll always worry about you handsome" She whispered resting her head on his shoulder

"And don't tell me not to because I will continue to do it anyway" DJ scolded

"Yes boss" Adam laughed softly as he felt his shoulder get heavy

"Are you falling asleep" He asked gently

"No" She denied

"Yeah you are" He laughed

"It's okay we're almost home anyway"

"Are you sure" DJ asked

"Yeah go ahead, it might get a little annoying with my walking but I'm not gonna stop you" Adam assured

DJ nodded, slowly falling asleep.

"I guess I'll just talk to myself" Adam sighed

"Hey self do you see that pretty bird"

"Why yes self I see it right there"




"Hi honey how was your walk" Alice asked

"Shh, DJ is sleeping" Adam whispered

"Oh sorry" Alice laughed softly

"It was good, I'm gonna go upstairs. We'll be back when she's awake" Adam said walking upstairs with DJ

"See you then honey" Alice smiled

"I'm done" Aidan grumbled throwing the plan papers in the air

"Honey get the vodka, they're being annoying again" Alice sighed

"Those little shits" Philip cursed


The Ducks and Hawks stood in straight lines across from each other. The Hawks stood in exact height, while the Ducks stood wherever was desired. However both teams seemed to find glaring at each other as something they had in common.

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