If Only They Knew

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Dahlia's pov

"DJ how many times do I have to tell you, no knocking over people over for fun" Connie lectured me

"But Connie, its fun" I whined as she held me by the shirt

"Remember what happened last time"

"I apologized for knocking her over the railing" I crossed my arms

"She broke her leg" Charlie added in

"Yeah but I said sorry, and i dont remember you being apart of the conversation" I pouted

"Oof there goes Fulton" Charlie pointed to him while he fell down the stairs

We winced as he knocked an old lady into the fountain.

"Why didn't I ever think of that"

Charlie and Connie looked at each other and shook their heads.

"We need to keep you on a leash" Charlie grumbled

"I would like it more than you think"


We eventually made our way downstairs. Well, everyone else was. I however entertained my self by skating up and down the stairs.

"DJ come on, you're gonna hurt somebody" Connie said in her mom voice.

"Con, I've done this 20 times already, if someone was gonna get hurt they would have gotten-oof"


"Hey Mama B, Mr.B" I waved to them from my position in the fountain.

"Adam" I smiled at him as he sat next to me in the water.

"I told you this was gonna happen" Connie called from a far.

"Were you skating up and down the stairs again" Adam asked

"No" I scoffed.

"Yes" Connie confirmed.

"Hey there was no need to rat me out like that" I whined.

"Alright you two, let's go" Mama B said pulled out two bags.

"Wait a second this has happened before?" Charlie asked

"28 times" Adam said grabbing his bag.

They all looked at me.

"What? I'm clumsy."

3rd person pov

"What do you wanna do?" Adam asked as he held DJ's hand

"I don't know. Do you maybe wanna go to Mickey's?" She asked

"Yeah I'm good with that. Do you wanna go home after? Watch like Beauty and the Beast or something." He asked

"Yeah, I would love to." She said swinging their hands

Adam looked down at them.

"You're cute you know that" He smiled at her

She giggled, blushing. It felt different when Adam complemented her. It felt genuine and meaningful. Not like when McGill or Larson "complemented" her. They would solely try and annoy her to death.

"Hehehe, say it again" She said through a dazed voice.

"You're cute" He said before kissing her cheek.

"And you," She paused to kiss his cheek.

"Are very handsome" She finished


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