The Last Gummy Bear

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Dahlia's pov

I walked into Han's Skate Shop on a cold Saturday with Adam by my side. We quickly began a conversation with Hans.

"How's your day going so far Hans" I asked taking a seat on the counter.

I was the only one allowed to sit on the counter. It's kinda funny to see him swat kids off as I'm sitting on it.

"Just lovely Dahlia" He said smiling.

"That's nice to hear" I said joyfully.

Adam placed himself in between my legs and leaned against me.

Every Saturday morning from nine o'clock to ten o'clock, Adam and I went over to the skate shop. We had been doing this since we were six. Even when we were young Han's made great conversation. He would always listen when we went on rants about how there wasnt enough cake in out desert, or how we argued over who got the last gummy bear. It's the silly things. Our arguments and rants turned into hockey stats and,well, hockey.

"What time is your game today Adam" Hans asked

"Three o'clock, it's against the Hornets"He answered while playing with a loose thread on my jeans.

"Its hard to say with the Hornets. They have a fifty/fifty record" I informed

"Yeah but I hear their star player Jake Kava is out on an injury" Adam said

"That is true my boy" Hans said sadly

"Wasnt it like an ankle injury or something" I asked

Hans nodded

"The boy was always a little but of a bender. Was not much longer before time caught up with him"

"So what's been up Hans, I feel like we only talk about us when we come here" Adam asked

"Well I enjoy listening to whats happening in your lives, rather than telling about mine"

"Come on please" I begged

3rd person pov

Hans smiled at the kids as Dahlia played with Adam's hair absentmindedly. Her eyes beaming with happiness and contentment. Adam leaned back against her, a smile  upon his face. Almost as if he could stay there forever.

The two reminded him of him and his late wife London. They were two young kids in love. She died of cancer about three years ago. And he too loved to lay in the the arms of his wife.

Hans hoped he would live to see the day Adam and Dahlia got married. Because let's be honest people, it's gonna happen.

"Well Gordon has stopped by frequently" Hans pointed out.

Although things had gotten better, Dahlia couldn't help but roll her eyes. She still hadn't gotten used to her father consistently being around. Quite frankly it kind of annoyed her.

"I went to go see London yesterday" Hans smiled

The children gave him a solemn smile. They had seen London enough time to see how much she meant to Hans.

"Tell us about her Hans" Adam asked

Out of all the times the kids had gone there since she died, London had only come up a handful of times. It was a rough subject for Hans to talk about.

Hans smiled as he remeniced in his memories of his wife.

"She was,just perfect. Always smiling and laughing. She loved everyone. I remember the first time I saw her. She was surrounded by her friends. All I saw was beauty. Her giggle was a lovely sound, like chirping of birds. An angelic glow radiated off of her. She waved at me and gave me her signature smile, and that was it"

Dahlia and Adam listened intently.

"Her favorite flower was a Dahlia"

Dahlia's head perked up in excitement.

"She loved everything about that flower. The different shapes,sizes and colors. But her favorite flower was you" Hans said looking at the young girl in front of him.

"Oh my how she loved you. That was always her first question of the day. When's Dahlia coming by? My my how she loved you"

Guess that's one thing Adam and London had in common.

"Do you miss her Hans" Dahlia asked

He cleared his throat before answering.

"With every breath I take." He confirmed

Silence filled the air.

"Oh dear, its ten forty-five. You kids need to get home" Hans exclaimed

Adam pushed himself off of Dahlia and she hopped off the counter.

"Uh oh, hopefully Mama B isnt going to be mad" Dahlia said fearfully

"It was great seeing you Hans. Same time next week" Adam asked

"I'll see you kids next week" He smiled

Adam's pov

The downside to our annual visits was the long walk home. DJ usually ended up getting tired and I usually ended up carrying her home. Which I didnt mind.

"You know I hope I find someone that talks about me they way Hans talks about London" DJ said randomly

Well if only you knew. Hey right here. Standing right next to you. I'll give you love and attention.

"You will dont worry" I smiled at her.

She started rubbing her hands together, blowing air into them in attempt to warm them. Of course she doesn't have gloves. She does this everytime.

"Why didnt you bring gloves" I scolded

"Why didnt you" She shot back still trying to warm her hands.

"Because my hands dont get cold. We live in Minnesota and it's the middle of winter and your hands get freezing." I answered reaching into my pockets, searching for gloves.

I sighed. I only have one gloves. How the heck do I only have one glove.

"Here, you wear this one on this hand" I said slipping the glove on her right hand

"And I'll hold this one" I said grabbing her left hand

Author's note
So today's chapter is kinda short not gonna lie. It's only because if I went on like I was going to it would have been a really long chapter that would have taken forever to read, and no one wants that. It's also because i am very lazy. I hope everyone is safe and healthy. Have a good day, or night, or whatever time it is where you are reading this. ❤❤

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