Make A Wish Honey

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Dahlia's Pov

"Charlie slow down" I complained as he pulled me by the wrist.

"Lia this is a once in a lifetime thing. I have never done this before" He exclaimed

"Charlie you are going to get hockey gear more than once in your lifetime"

He groaned and continued to pull me along.

3rd person pov

The children all rushed into Hans' skate shop, quickly taking it over. A couple swarmed the skate section. Others charged at the padding.

"Hans" DJ exclaimed

"Dahlia" He said with the same amount of excitement.

"How are you" She asked smiling

"Just peachy and you?"

A loud crash went through the shop.

"Well I was doing good. Charlie I just organized those yesterday" DJ whined before walking over to his direction.

"Sorry Deej" He apologized rubbing the back if his neck.

The boy hated how clumsy he was, and to make it worse he couldn't control when it happened. Hence the nickname Spazway.

"Should I be worried" Gordon asked Hans

Hans scoffed.

"If you think you have to be worried about Charlie you really dont know you daughter"

"Well who should I be worried about then"

"Oh isnt it obvious Gordon, its Adam"

"What" Gordon asked confused

"Oh please. Those two are always making ga-ga eyes at each other. It's one of the most obvious things in the world. It's only a matter of time before the cat is out of the bag"

"I dont think either of them have the confidence to tell the other" Gordon chuckled.

"Ah so you admit it" Hans raised his finger in the air.

"Charlie give me the tape"

"I had it first"

"No I had it first"

"No I had it first"

"Nah uh"

"Yes huh"

"Its mine"


Charlie had let go of the tape. Which resulted in DJ falling backwards.

"Always the savior Adam" DJ joked.

Hans and Gordon had been too consumed in their arguement that they hadn't even noticed Adam walking in the store.

"What did you do this time" Adam questioned setting DJ upright.

"Its not my fault. Charlie is the one that knocked me over" DJ defended herself.

"What did you do to make him knock you over" Adam asked

"Why do you assume I did something"

"Did you?"

"Yes, but that's besides the point"

Adam laughed at her.

"Yeah yeah stop laughing at me and come help me find stuff" She said pulling him along.

"So you guys dont mind their friendship" Gordon asked Charlie

"Everyone, besides me and connie, don't like it" Charlie confirmed

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