Because I Like You Okay

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Dahlia's pov

Today was our first practice. I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little nervous. We've never had a real practice before, like ever. We usually just got yelled at and mentally scarred.

"What's the matter?" Connie asked

She could read me like a book and she knew it.

"Just a little nervous, that's all" I shrugged.

"Why?" She questioned furrowing her eyebrows

I frowned.

"It just seems so surreal y'know. Like we have never had anyone willing to help us this much. And he's never put this much effort into anything besides drinking and law. I guess I'm just waiting for the rug to get swept out from under me. I just dont want to get too excited or hopeful"

"Maybe things will be different this time."Connie suggested

"Yeah and Adam wants to place a big one right here" I scoffed pointing to my lips

"So things will be different this time" She giggled.

"Shut up" I grumbled shoving her lightly.

The rink was filled with ice skaters using up every last minute of time before our practice. Don't get me wrong, I love figure skating, I've just never met a nice skater. Every one that I have ever met was snobbish and self centered. All they talked about was their medals and trophies. Then again all the figure skaters I have ever met were from Edina.


Well I must have zoned out too long, cause heres Tammy and Tommy Duncan suiting up. I have the attention span of a goldfish. I really need to start paying attention.

"Back to basics" Dad yelled

We lined up in front of a line of spaced out cones.

"Glide on ice, dont step" He explained demonstrating

We each took turns skating around the cones. Charlie slipped and fell.

"Its okay Charlie" Dad encouraged


Dad picked up and egg from the dozens of cartons that were next to him.

"Soft hands, you dont shoot the puck to your teammate, you sail it. Karp on your feet" He instructed

Karp stood wearily.

"You send it" Dad said passing the puck to Karp

Karp stopped the pass instead of excepting it. (Something Adam taught me by the way) So there he stood wiping egg off of his face.

"You dont stop the pass, you except it, cradle it"


Averman took a shot an the egg and smashed it open.

"Again, concentration, not strength" Dad lectured

"Like the Karate Kid. Wax on, wax off" Averman said imitating the motion

"Just shut up and try it Averman" Connie bursted out

"Such a jerk" She mumbled

"Send it back Averman"

He passed it to dad.

"Good Averman, Charlie" Dad said before passing it to Charlie who excepted it

"Good, good now send it back"

Charlie shot it at dad, which caused the egg to splatter all over his sweater. Everyone started to burst out in laughter.

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