Ill Be Fine, Just Take It

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Dahlia's pov

"BANKS" Coach Rielly called

"What's going on?" I asked Mama B

"I don't know honey" She said confused.

I saw dad.

"He is not" I exclaimed getting up and walking over to the arguing adults.

"Dad what the hell"

"Just doing my job DJ" He said putting his hands on his hips.

"Sir this boy can no longer play for this team. I dont know how many times I have to repeat myself" Some guy with glasses and a receding hairline explained frustrated.

"My son would rather not play than be on your team" Mr. B said pointing at my dad.

That wasn't true. Hockey was the most important thing in Adam's life. It didnt matter if he was playing on the hawks or the ducks or even with six year olds, as long as he was playing hockey.

"Fine if that's the way you want it, but remember, if Adam plays for the hawks he'll have to forfeit every game for the rest of the season. Boy would I hate to see that" He smirked walking away

"Dad what the hell is wrong with you" I exclaimed following after him.

"This has nothing to do with you sweetheart"

"If it has to do with Adam it has to do with me" I stated grabbing his arm and turning him around.

"Now I ask again, what the hell is wrong with you"

"I'm doing what's best for the team" He reasoned pulling his arm away.

"By stealing a player from our enemy team. You do realize no one is gonna like your little stunt" I threw my arms in frustration.

"They're gonna have to deal with it. We need him if we are gonna make it to the playoffs" He explained turning to walk away.

"If! If? So all of the sudden we are not good enough to make it"

"Not without him"

"I knew it. I knew it was too good to be true. You only care about winning, you never cared about us" I sadly laughed

"I guess I should have it right. You ways do it"

3rd person pov

Dahlia shook her head walking away. The rug had been swelt under her just like she predicted.

"Oh my God, why didnt I expect it" She said throwing her head back.

The girl wiped tears from her eyes. She didn't understand why she was crying. Why would it still hurt even though it's happened like eight million times. She didn't understand why it hit her like a ton of bricks, eventhough she knew it was gonna happen. She didn't understand why she let it hurt her. She could just build her walls up higher. The walls she had worked so hard to let down. She could just shut everyone out and no one could hurt her anymore.

Dahlia found herself at home. Well her physical home. Her emotional home was playing his last hockey game with a team he has been with since he was six.

The heat wasnt on. It never was. Gordon either didnt pay the electric bill or said he liked the cold. She left her jacket with the Banks', so there she stood with just a t-shirt and jeans. She felt numb. But that might have been the possible hypothermia talking.

The ring of a phone struck DJ out of her daze.

"Hello" She answered rubbing her temple

"DJ honey how are you" A perky voice asked from the other side of the phone.

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