Larson,McGill,lay off

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Dahlia's pov

I woke up at around 9 on Saturday. Our game wasn't until 1 so I had about 2 and a half hours to get ready. I was finally in my own house for once. I made my way to the kitchen. I knew the cabinets were most likely going to be empty but it was worth checking.


Looks like I'm gonna have to take a trip over to Adam's. I put on a jacket and a hat as well as some slip on's. I walked to his house at a fast pace. It was too cold for this. I did a little quick knock before walking in.

"Hey honey" Mama B called from the living room

"Hey guys" I smiled hanging up my stuff

"Here for breakfast?" She asked

I dramatically gasped

"I feel insulted. How do you know I didn't come over to see my favorite family" I put my hand over my heart

"Pancakes or French toast?"

"French toast please" I smiled plopping on the couch

I didn't feel like changing the channel so I just watched the news that was on.

"Just as I thought we got rid of you" Aidan smirked

"How many times do I have to tell you? You're never getting rid of me" I stuck my tongue out at him

"DJ honey can you go wake up Adam please" Mama B yelled from the kitchen

I ran up the stairs to Adam's room and knocked on the door. No answer. Looks like we are going to have to do this the hard way. I opened the door,ran in, and jumped on him.

"Ow DJ how many times have I told you not to do that" Adam squinted his eyes at me

"A lot" I giggled

"You're annoying" he said turning over

"I know" I smirked

"Adam, Adam,Banksie, Adam" I poked his cheek

"Stop" He mumbled

"You have to get up. We have a game"

"I've got time"

"Please" I pouted cause I knew it would get him out of bed.

He looked at me and rolled his eyes.

"Get off of me" He said in defeat

I smirked and got off. He was shirtless so he went over to his dresser to get a shirt. I couldn't help but stare. Sure I had seen Adam shirtless countless amounts of times, but lately I found my self liking what I see. Before I wouldn't be a flustered mess like I am now.

"Dahlia" Adam said waving his hand in front of my face.

"Oh sorry what" I shook my head

"I asked what mom was making" He laughed putting his shirt on

"She's uh making um F-French toast " I stuttered.

I mentally slapped myself for sounding like an idiot.

"You okay?" He asked feeling my forehead

"You feel warm and your cheeks are red"

"Oh yeah I'm fine. Is it hot in here. Do you feel hot. It's hot in here. I'm gonna go downstairs" I rushed downstairs.

I facepalmed

"I'm so stupid" I mumbled

"What was that sweetie" Mama B asked placing a plate on the table

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