My Pride And Joy

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3rd person POV

"DJ I said no"

"But why"

"It's too risky, what if someone catches us?"

"They won't, just lock the door"

"They'll get suspicious"

"What's so suspicious and risky about cuddling in matching pjs while watching movies?" Dahlia asked as she pouted

"Because it means something now." Adam sighed

"Not to them. They'll just think it's us on any normal day, now cuddles" The girl whined holding her arms out in demanding manner

"What if Aidan and his friends come over" Adam asked

"Then your precious little pride will be ruined as high schoolers watch you cuddle with your best friend in a stitch onesie"

"Hey" Adam pouted

"Sorry I'll rephrase, as you cuddle with your girlfriend in a stitch onesie" DJ grinned

Adam smiled giddily, jumping onto the bed.

"That's better" The boy cuddled into her

"You're silly" The girl giggled


"My favorite time of the day" Aidan said excitedly as him and his friends walked upstairs with water balloons

"Should we throw one at Adam"

Aidan thought for a moment.

"Open his door"

"Oh you're kidding" Aidan sighed


"Stupid DJ" Aidan grumbled

"Just throw one at her to" His friend suggested

"I'm not allowed to" Aidan sighed


"Because mom said that if I prank her again she would ground me" Aidan explained

"Why are they cuddling like a couple?"

"They do it all the time, don't know how they're going to date other people" Aidan laughed

"Who says they aren't dating each other" his friend asked

"They're both oblivious, if it hasn't happened yet, it won't ever happen"

"I don't know, matching onesies, head on his chest, arm wrapped around her waist, I think your brother has more game than you"

"Shut up he does not" Aidan defended

"He's been cuddling with the same girl all his life and you can't even get a girl to call you back"

"I'll throw a balloon at you" Aidan threatened

"Are you jealous of your little brother?"

"God no. Have you seen him? He has like 25 girls throwing themselves at him daily, and yet here he is, following the same one around like a lost puppy stuck in the friend zone being forced to wear matching onesies" Aidan laughed

"I think they're dating" His friend nodded

"Well you would be wrong. We would know by now" Aidan spoke

"Come on we have people to hit on the sidewalk"


"Holy shit" DJ gasped as her and the team walked into the Minnesota North Stars arena

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