Sunshine Daycare

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Our story starts at Sunshine Daycare in the small town of Minneapolis, Minnesota. A little boy no older than three walked beside his dad sippy cup in hand. He was taller than most boys his age and he had the sweetest smile a toddler could ever have. His father and mother stood on either side of him. Both had sad yet happy smiles on their faces. They were happy their little boy could finally make his own circle of friends outside of family, but they were sad that their son was growing up so fast.

Taking a little bit of a detour, earlier on a little girl who was almost 3 stood behind her father as he opened the door to her new daycare. She stood very shy as her teacher came up to her and her father. The little girl stood an astounding 2'8,which was a little below average for her age. She only had one dimple on her left cheek that shows when she smiles. Her father smiled at the teacher.

"Who's this little cutie?" the teacher kindly asked

The father introduced both to the nice lady while the little girl peeked out behind his leg. The lady made eye contact with her, so she resorted to hiding behind her father's leg again. Her father bent down to her level.

"Okay honey daddy has to go promise me you'll be a good girl?" He asked holding his pinkie out

"I promise" She mumbled interlocking their pinkies

"I love you" He said before hugging her

"To the moon and back" She said in his shoulder

They separated before saying

"To infinity and beyond, forever and ever"

The teacher smiled at the cute moment and held put her hand for the little girl to take. She grabbed it and was lead inside.

"Okay this is your cubbie. This is where you'll put your backpack,coat and lunch box as well as any projects that you'll do, okay?" She smiled sweetly

The little girl nodded her head as she hung her backpack and coat.

"Okay you can go play"

The little girl turned and looked for a place to play.

Now back to the little boy.

His father opened the door ushering his wife and son in. The little boy was nervous. He thought he wasn't going to make any friends and have to spend hours away from his parents alone. He hugged on his moms leg for dear life. The same teacher that welcomed the little girl went to welcome the little boy.

"Who's this handsome boy" She greeted sweetly

The parents introduced their son as well as themselves.

"He's a little nervous" His mother pointed out

"That's okay everyone is nervous on their first day" She laughed looking at the little boy

He gave her a small smile before shuffling further behind his mother. She kneeled down with her husband.

"Okay honey mommy and daddy have to go now" She smiled tears coming in her eyes

"I love you" The little boy said hugging his parents

"To the moon and back" His mother said

"To infinity and beyond" His father said

"Forever and ever" They said pulling away

The teacher felt a sort of deja vu. She had just heard that same phrase less than 20 minutes ago. She shook her head out of her daze and held her hand out for the little boy to take. He took it waving by to his parents. She lead him to the cubbies.

"This is your cubbie. This is where your backpack,lunchbox, and coat will go. Plus any projects that we to on that day" She smiled brightly

He nodded his head and started putting his things away.

"When you're done you can go play" She said walking away

He had finished putting his longs away and looked around. He saw a little girl coloring by herself. She was small and quiet. There was something about her that his three year old brain could not comprehend. He started walking toward her.

"Hi" He said

"Hi" She said,dimple showing

"I'm Adam, what's your name?" He asked

"Dahlia Jane" She answered looking at him

"That's a cool name, it's a little long though" Adam complemented

"My dad calls me Dahlia J." Dahlia said trying to help him shorten her name

"How about DJ" Adam suggested excitedly

"Sounds great" Dahlia said happily

"So DJ" Adam said using the new nickname

"Whatcha coloring?"

"A doggie" She answered

"Can I help color" He asked politely

"Yeah here" She said handing him a handful of crayons

From then on the two were best friends. They were inseparable. The two were always partners for projects. When it came to naptime,they always sat their mats next to each other. But when it came time to going home, it was like pulling teeth sometimes. They would throw fits and hold on to each other. Mr Banks, Mrs. Banks, and Mr Bombay had become quite familiar with each other. They would come up with a game plan for getting their kids home. Somedays it would work and some days not so much.


Time came for the kids to go to school. Since the town was so big the elementary schools were split into two. Sadly the children would have to go to different schools, although only being a block apart. The districts lines said the two would have to separate not only for schools but for hockey teams. Both developed a love for hockey. They took their first steps on the ice together and were devastated that they could not play together.

The two kids posed in their new school attire. Mrs. Banks smiled brightly at her son and his best friend who she had grown to love as a daughter.

"Come on honey they'll be late for their buses" Mr Banks chuckled at his wife.

Dehlia's father could not be there for her first day. He was preparing for his first case as a lawyer with a call time of 5:30. Mr and Mrs. Banks gladly took the child for her first day of school.

"Promise me you won't make a new best friend" Adam turned to DJ with his pinkie out

"As long as you promise the same" Dahlia said interlocking their pinkies

"Pinkie swear?" Adam asked her

"Pinkie swear" She confirmed

Their promise rang true. Even when Adam made new friends at his school and Dahlia at hers, they always made time for each other. Adam went to her hockey games and Dahlia went to his. Even when their friends didn't "approve" of the friendship, they turned a blind eye.

And now our story continues......

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