what did Ria said to Aakash

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When Aakash said that he wants her back then Ria said to him that " the people who are gone will never come back idiot". You have to understand that you lost me because of your silly mistake.
But I will be your good friend if you want. He said nope I will try harder and do anything to make you mine. Because I won't get a girl like you sweet, loving, caring, smily a little bit idiot, physco..:) :)
Here Ria are in a great confusion why guys always do this if they are in love they do every possible thing to make his love happy. But why didn't they understand it first why so late, when the girl left you because of your behaviour. Why they do this .....and after some time when the girl moves on they suddenly comes and said I want you. What is this yr??? Why they didn't understand the girl feelings, why they always gives her problems.
Why didn't they understand after all she is a girl, she also have feelings. She is not a doll that you will use when you want. Why guys don't think about girls, why they always thinks about himself. If they really love a girl then they will do something good for her and they can do everything to realise girls that they love them so much. Not just saying I want you or I need you.
You just need her because she cares, she loves then what will you give her in return of her care and love..

A girl's storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें