A new start after that situation

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Now everything's over kabir and Ria are good friends they share their daily talks with each other. As time passes labor loves more to Ria he won't want to loose her so if anything is happen he always support her in every situation but scold her if she done something wrong like a good friend.

Ria likes her company they talks each other daily a couple of hours.

One night she asks kabir why you like me so much as there are many girls who are more beautiful, cute or funny then her. And you have many friends in girls and they also like you, then why????

He smiled and said "I know there are many girls around me and I can like them but what to do there is always a girl in my heart and how can I see another girl when you are there. Then I sad get rid of me from your heart that's it, he said its not that simple as you think. If it is possible it would done before you say to me. Its not in my control.

Anyways leave you won't understand, I said I understand that's why I m saying you to forget me. Kabir said I can't means I can't now please don't argue.

How can I understand him that if he loves me likes this it gives him only pains.

A girl's storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें