Ria told everything to kabir

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As always Ria told everything about Aakash to kabir. She didn't want to told him because she thinks may be he takes everything in a wrong way, may be he didn't even believe her but...yet Ria tolds him everything because she believes him, that he may understand her, if not there is no prblm.

But kabir takes all this very lightly and said you idiot why didn't you told me if you are that worried about this. I am shocked, he even don't reacts on this. I was really happy to listen that he understand me. He supports me.

I don't know why bt tears are flowing from my eyes I can't control on my tears because he trusts me a lot.

My all worried ness are like fly away in a second. I don't know how to thank him, but I m happy...so much happy.

You are the best kabir..I always wanted to be a friend like you, be with me always...:) :)

A girl's storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें