15: Hope

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Sorry for the long wait on this one! I was going to make this upload way longer, but decided against it. Instead, I separated it into two parts.

On the bright side, I already have most of the next chapter done, so expect it to be finished soon!

"I'd hate to ruin that pretty face of yours, but it can't be helped." Zarbon harshly removed his hand from her chin, being far from gentle. He soon stood up from a kneeling position, his eyes focusing upon the wounded Saiyan.

Bulma was quick to reach upwards and run her fingertips along her swollen jawline while attempting to soothe the pain he had caused. As her soft digits caressed her features, she couldn't help but notice that she was trembling.

She was terrified. Terrified of dying, terrified of what this monstrous alien would do to Vegeta, and terrified of losing him.

It didn't help that she had no idea what to do at that point. Much to her dismay, she already concluded that any action would lead to her demise.

This became increasingly more clear when the green beast extended his arm outwards towards her. His palm began to shimmer with a yellow colored light accompanied with a sphere ki.

I'm such a fool for filling for him. Such a fool, she thought.

Her forbidden love for the Saiyan warrior completely changed her life. It threw everything upside down, though it was totally exhilarating for a short while.

Now she was caught up in his weird intergalactic fights! Oh, Kami, why did Vegeta have to be from space? Couldn't he had been born on Earth instead?

Once the end grew near, her mind couldn't help but he filled with memories; memories of joyful times with her parents, friends, and... even Vegeta. Specks of images flashed through her conscious.

She could envision her mother and father, both beaming with joy and seated at the kitchen table. Her and the Saiyan prince were there as well, having another casual argument while her parents laughed and passed bowls of food.

A golden hue from the energy ball illuminated the poor girl's soft facial features, highlighting her somber expression.

Is this the end? Bulma's hazy eyes drifted from Zarbon over onto the helpless and mangled boy in her arms. It can't be, it just can't!

There were so many things she wished to do before she died, so many things that she wanted to experience. For once in her life, her heart completely soared and fluttered for a boy. However, when she realized, it was too late.

Now she was looking death in the face. Oh, the irony...

Her arms securely wrapped around that said boy, causing her short aqua colored tresses to conceal her face from view. She cradled him close to her body as if he were the only thing that mattered in the entire world—which he was.

Vegeta's warmth began to conquer her entire frame, and for a short moment, she thought she felt his muscles tense. It gave her false hope, but she understood that he couldn't be saved. Everything else around them grew quiet and dark aside from just her and the man she loved. It felt as though the only objects in the universe were only the two of them.

That was when Zarbon's voice sliced through the tranquil atmosphere, shattering the calm and serene daydream that Bulma was living.

"Now, then... say goodbye!"

However, there was another light. It was beautiful and bright.

Was that the afterlife? She had no clue. Maybe death wouldn't be so bad, though. After all, there were never any problems up above.

Besides, she wouldn't have to deal with her pushy schedule and inventions. Though, the only bad thing would be never seeing the prince ever again...

Well, that was what she thought until an ear-piercing crash rang out throughout the area.

Before she even had the opportunity to conceal her ears, Bulma was sent flying backwards. Her helpless and frail figure soared, eventually slamming against something unrecognizable.

It didn't take her long to register that what she had hit was none other than the pillar she was once hiding behind. The coursing electric pain shot throughout her body, prompting a hiss to escape her teeth. After the initial collision, her frame began to slump downwards until her rear hit the grass with a thud.

And I thought a hangover was tough...

Her head ached and her brain couldn't seem to comprehend a single thing. Straining, she managed to catch the sight of a kneeling Vegeta and a shocked Zarbon.

"V... Vegeta!" She couldn't help but call out to him. God, just the sight of him being up on his feet again made tears gather at the corners of her eyes.

The Saiyan's chiseled chest heaved up and down as he emitted exhausted breaths. Despite him appearing to be the same as usual, there was something different about him that the girl couldn't quite explain.

His once careful and calculating raven stare was reduced to slits of fury, twitching at the alien in front of him. A large vein was present on his forehead, only exhibiting how furious he was.

His firm mouth soon parted as he attempted to stand on his two feet. "No one... touches her..." What he had said was quiet and muffled, but it managed to reach the ears of Bulma.

The faint words made the heiress's oceanic eyes widen. Her entire body became engulfed in a fire-like, fuzzy feeling. Did he actually care for her? If she wasn't already seeing stars from the injury, then this definitely did it.

"Is that so?" Questioned the beast, masking his surprise. "I thought that you were down for the count, Vegeta. No matter, you'll still lose in the end."

Kami, how did it come to this?

Things were just starting to look good for the pair, too. That kiss they shared was just magical and out of this world. She only wished that she hadn't messed with the stupid scouter that day.

If she hadn't, maybe... maybe this wouldn't be happening right now.

"That's what you think, ugly freak," cut his dialogue, prompting both Bulma and Zarbon to scan him out of curiosity. The prince ran his tongue along his bloodied bottom lip as if to distract from his internal skepticism. "I'm going to kick your ass... then Frieza's will be next."

Wicked laughter shook the yard, taking the form of a malicious chuckle erupting from the pit of the green monster's stomach.

Just his obscene outburst was enough to make Bulma stray closer to the pillar, her body instinctively wrapping around the object for comfort. Something about this creature's cackle was so... terrifying.

"You can't even beat me, so what makes you believe that you can harm Lord Frieza? I remember like it was yesterday when you cowered in front of him while he ordered you to clean his boots," remarked the man, completely oblivious to the brewing rage sizzling throughout the Saiyan's skin.

That definitely hit Vegeta's pride, evident by the way his body swiftly recovered onto its feet. Despite him being injured, he seemed to get up rather easily, much to Bulma's surprise.

"You bastard," he cursed, the sentence fumbling out from his pursed mouth. The words appeared to make the revolving Zarbon grit his teeth in anger. "I'm Prince Vegeta, heir to the Saiyan throne. I'm the one who's going to send you to Hell!"

The boy's confidence was practically shimmering amidst the chaos. The heiress's eyes struggled to stay open, yet she managed to catch a glimpse of that familiar and cocky grin on his lips.

That alone was how she knew that everything was going to be okay.

It gave her hope.

(1,248 words.)

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