7: Feelings

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Why was he still there?

What the hell compelled him to stay so much?

Vegeta's dark eyes flickered up towards the overhead monitor, his present scowl only worsening.

Sure, that idiotic girl and her father made some training equipment and a brand new gravitational device, but the Saiyan still couldn't figure out as to why he remained on the planet.

He kept trying to convince himself that it was all just a part of his plan. A plan to gather information regarding the Dragon Balls. Was that really his objective, though? How come he kept constantly forgetting it? Whenever the boy's eyes landed on Bulma, his focus and attention slipped away.

In fact, he could picture her in his mind rather easily now. The way her aquamarine colored locks framed her porcelain features was mesmerizing. Her rosed cheeks and glossed lips—

"Damn it!" Vegeta abruptly shouted, gleams of sweat visibly forming on his tan skin and face. His fists were clenched harder than ever before.

That's it. That was the final straw.

All of his recent thoughts contained that enigma of a girl. It frustrated him to no end. He was a galactic warrior, not some earthling with pathetic little feelings.

He should've just slaughtered her from the start.

Maybe then he could have avoided all of this disgusting sentimental stuff. No— not sentimental— he wouldn't dare call it that. Perhaps it was a physical attraction. Even that was a stretch.

Maybe the only option left was to kill her.

That would most definitely save him future stress and irritation.

"You alive in there?"

The words prompted the boy to stiffen and turn around. His narrowed eyes settled upon that same perfect face as she idled in the doorway.

He could practically sense her confusion as both of them simply stared at one another. What intrigued him the most was her foolishness. Unlike others he had faced before, she didn't cower underneath of his gaze.


The only sound throughout the gravity room were the prince's white boots colliding against the floor. His pace was steady and determined.

Just kill the idiotic girl now, he thought to himself, continuing his approach. It will make all of those second guesses and thoughts disappear for good.

It were as if time stood still for a moment, only proceeding to resume once the Saiyan stopped in front of her.

Bulma's nervous gaze shifted up towards his features, unable to recognize the expression written on him. "Um... I came to tell you that dinner is rea—"

The heiress was unable to finish her sentence.

She was silenced by someone— the Prince of Saiyans.

To Bulma's surprise, two gloved hands were slammed against the wall, both resting beside her head.

She was trapped.

Her breath practically hitched in her throat at their close proximity and she felt so small underneath of his intense glare.

Vegeta's eyes watched— no, studied— the girl that was blinking at him. To his amazement, the blue haired girl didn't bark some snarky response or phrase. All she did was gaze at him through her voluminous dark aqua lashes.

That rosey and pretty face of hers was altering into one of nervousness. Vegeta could sense how anxious this was making her. It... somehow made him want to continue toying with her further.

The Prince removed one of his hands from the wall, instead brushing his fingers through her locks of sapphire.

Why was her hair blue?

This earned a shocked expression from Bulma as she stiffened up slightly, her lips parting due to curiosity. Just what had gotten into him?

Those gentle digits soon grazed her ear, proceeding to trail down her jawline. He would eventually grasp her chin delicately, directing her face towards his own.

Her words had been simple. Simple enough to make him pause.



Damn it.

Just the way she said it was so—

Her tone was soft as if she didn't wish to scare him away, and the boy could see how visibly flustered she had gotten.

Despite how bad Vegeta wanted to pull away, he couldn't get his legs to budge in the slightest. He made the mistake of lowering his eyes, his onyx orbs catching sight of her glossed lips.

Then, the abrupt placement of a feathery smooth palm on his rugged cheek almost made him flinch. He peered to the side, soon realizing that it was in fact the girl's hand stroking his features sweetly.

The way her cool flesh contrasted against his scolding skin was nothing more than intoxicating.

The girl delicately wrapped her arms around his neck, her face nearing his ever so slowly. Vegeta blinked at the sight of a smile presenting itself on her mouth.

Never had he been so captivating by another woman like this.


It was strange to be this moved by someone else and the sensation was odd. He always focused on fighting and strength, but this newly found experience was beginning to gain the upper hand in his battle. His battle for not trying to feel such pathetic emotions.

A girl that he wanted dead was beginning to sway his mindset.

Then, it hit him.

Killing her would be nearly impossible. A part of him didn't want that to happen. But what the hell was the reason? She was just some stupid girl from another planet.

"Leave," he coldly demanded, earning a look of devastation from the heiress. The male rapidly pulled away from her, attempting to erase all thoughts of what had just happened from his mind.

Bulma, visibly frightful, quickly removed her arms from around him.

He simply watched as she stepped away from the wall and walked towards the doorway, her figure beginning to face the other way.

"Fine, have it your way, jerk! Just know that I'm capable of shutting this gravity room off whenever I want."

That little—

"Sorry for the interruption, your highness!" And with that, she was gone as fast as she had appeared; leaving nothing behind except for the deafening sound of the gravity chamber's door slamming shut.

Kill her, huh?

Murdering Bulma Briefs was like trying to defeat Frieza by himself.

It wasn't able to be done.

Not now. And not anytime soon. But one thing could be done.

He could leave.

(1,047 words.)

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