16: The Conclusion

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I'm so incredibly happy that you all followed me on this journey. This is the final chapter and I'd just like to thank everyone for the support you've given me. <3

I'm actually working on another Bulma/Vegeta story as of now, and I'll publish it very soon!

And I may or may not continue this story actually. Depends on how I feel!

Large arrays of light flickered around the yard, swiftly accompanied by the moving bodies of Vegeta and Zarbon. Neither wished to give up and that was fairly obvious. Both were fighting for their own purposes; the prince for pride and the green alien for greed.

Bulma simply watched in awe, her hand situated upon her chest directly above her heart. She was on edge. Very on edge. The thought of losing Vegeta was too much to handle and the outcome of this battle would mean life or death for him and the entire planet.

The girl scrambled onto her feet, squinting up into the sky in order to get a better look. The overhead sun was stupidly strong that day and the two warriors were quarreling right beneath of its rays. Fortunately, she was able to make out hints of blue, which she knew was Vegeta. At times he seemed to be gaining the upper hand, and at others, he was receiving blows to the face and stomach.

She couldn't help but notice how graceful he appeared to be. His body looked to be perfectly fit for fighting. While he was short, he made up for that lack of height with brute strength and elegant agility.

Then, it happened. The pair both vanished and the only thing visible to Bulma's eyes were streaks of white that soared at rapid speed. How in the hell were they able to move that fast?

"Pathetic!" The sinister and low voice amplified itself and the blue-haired female rapidly whirled around to face its direction.

However, she wished she hadn't.

It all occurred rather quickly, yet it was as noticeable as day. The environment was once able to be heard; the chirping of birds and the sway of leaves. In the matter of mere seconds, that all ceased. The only sound that managed to reach her ears was the deafening crash around her. Upon further inspection, the only individual remaining in the sky was Zarbon.

The girl flinched almost instantly, a pit of despair forming in her stomach. Had Vegeta crash landed? If so, where?

Her eyes flickered across the lawn, eventually landing upon...

"The Gravity Room!" She gasped, immediately springing to her feet and gaping at the circular chamber in awe.

Thanks to Zarbon's punch, Vegeta had been sent crashing into the training chamber, evident by rather large hole within its exterior. She didn't know whether she was pissed at them for damaging it, or remorseful for the Prince getting injured.

Her eyes abruptly widened at the sight of Zarbon beginning to enter the building.

Therefore, Bulma did the only logical thing.

"I have to help him," she murmured, reluctantly staggering to her feet. With an exhale, she dashed across the grass with desperate steps and soon reached the Gravity Room.


Vegeta grunted, angrily scraping his fingers against the tiled flooring.

He knew this place all too well; it was where he trained to the brink of death. Sometimes the Earth girl came in and offered her unnecessary sass, or she just peered in to proclaim that dinner was done.

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