13: Clash of Rivals

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I'm so sorry for the wait! I had to take care a lot of things and deal with a broken friendship.😅

On the bright side, now I can fully focus on writing. :)

Zarbon's lips pursed in irritation due to the Saiyan's words.

"Very funny," he coldly stated, proceeding to take a step towards the raven haired boy. "How about you admit your defeat and just come with me willingly?"

No one could tell, but Bulma was fuming over on the sidelines. Her recently polished and glossy fingernails firmly gripped onto the pillar in angst.

There's no way he would do such a thing, right?

Much to her joy, Vegeta simply smirked and bent his knees, his body engulfing itself within a white aura.

Yes! He's going to fight! She mentally cheered.

The leaves of trees and some fibers on the grass below began to sway because of just how powerful his energy was.

"Are you sure you want to go through with this?" Questioned the smug Zarbon, his voice full of malice. "We both know how it will end, Vegeta, so you might as well just obey."

"Things have changed since I arrived on Earth, I can guarantee that," informed the prince.

This earned a slight reaction from the green-skinned alien, evident by the way his sculpted eyebrows rose in surprise.

The heiress watched as the alien soon reached upwards, positioning a hand beside the gadget located on his left ear. Foreign numbers illuminated on its screen and flashed in a yellow hue.

That's when it hit her.

It's a scouter!

This was bad. She had to find a way to destroy it without getting killed. That device could be used as a communicator and Bulma didn't want this guy to call in for backup.

However, her thoughts became interrupted by the abrupt and twisted chuckle emitting from the attractive Zarbon.

"I'll admit that your power has risen tremendously compared to when I saw you last, but you're still no match for me."

The girl watched as something seemed to snap inside of Vegeta. In the blink of an eye, the prince bared his teeth and completely vanished from sight.

Bulma's aqua gaze widened due to shock as she quickly surveyed the area, attempting to locate him.

A loud crash echoed throughout the yard shortly after and it prompted her to whip her head around.

She caught a glimpse of Vegeta extending his arm outwards before rapidly throwing an elbow against Zarbon's cheek. The green alien inevitably got hit and was sent backwards because of impact, his body crashing into an arrangement of rose bushes.

"What's the matter, Zarbon? Need a helping hand?" The Saiyan sneered darkly at the fighter while confidently crossing his arms against his chest.

Though Bulma was extremely pissed about the flowers being completely destroyed, she was more concerned about the outcome of the fight.

This could either mean life or death for the planet Earth.


Vegeta had to admit that nothing else was more satisfying than watching one of Frieza's henchmen lay in the dirt.

It was a good look for people like Zarbon; it suited his failures quite well.

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