14: Desperate Tears

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I definitely didn't mean to make the fight this long, lmao. I'll wrap it up next chapter.

Anyways, enjoy!

Oh Kami, could this get any worse?

The poor girl's back was aching from being slammed against the stone pillar so hard after her loud outburst.

At the sight of Vegeta getting hit, Bulma really couldn't help herself from being extremely concerned. Though she did use her fingertips to conceal her lips afterwards, the damage was already done.

She was actually grateful that she couldn't see the prince's face; just imagine how furious he would be to discover that she hadn't followed his instructions.

Much to her dismay, there was no doubt in her mind that they hadn't heard her. Heck, she even caught a glimpse of that green guy looking over at her!

A false security flowed through her mind and she couldn't help but think: Maybe he didn't see me. I mean, he's not saying anything.

She really wanted to peek out again in order to see what was going on, but didn't want to chance angering Vegeta any further. The thought did cross her mind to maybe retreat into the house, but that would require her to walk out in the open.

"I say we take this fight somewhere else," interrupted the prince, his voice sprinkled with mockery. "This place is too good of a grave for you."

The heiress's aqua gaze widened at Vegeta's words and she parted her lips due to shock.

Meanwhile, Zarbon simply chuckled darkly while the light in his palm only grew larger after every second. He clearly didn't take the bait.

"Nice try, Vegeta, but that won't distract me from the situation at hand," replied the alien.

A pair of curious blue eyes peered out from behind the pillar, followed by locks of sapphire that appeared to frame them.

She watched as Vegeta tightly clenched his gloved fist. Never had she seen his raven irises so... furious. Even during their occasional fights and arguments, Bulma never witnessed this much rage emitting from him.

Before she could examine him further, he vanished out of thin air.

This is just like before! She mentally commented, amazed at how he could just disappear like that.

Similar to before, the Saiyan managed to strike Zarbon across the face; followed up with a series of rapidly timed jabs to the stomach as well.

The scientist's eyes glistened because of happiness, her fist pumping up in the air due to victory.

When the stunned green warrior skidded across the lawn, he grunted while attempting to hoist himself back up.

Of course, Vegeta was completely amused by this.

"Look who's on the ground again for a second time," he chimed, a wicked grin tugging at the corners of his firm lips.

Did they finally win? This could be it, right?

Bulma couldn't contain her joy, evident by the way she completely removed herself from behind the pillar. She clasped her palms together before beginning to make her way towards the prince.


The girl's eyes were quick to widen because of the sight in front of her. Just to her left, Zarbon had gotten up, but...


His once flawless and perfect skin was starting to expand rapidly. Monster-like scales concealed his figure and his size greatly increased. His facial features altered into a form that resembled some sort of beast.

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