4: Answers

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Okay, so I actually managed to plan out the entire story! I'm super excited to release the chapters that I have in my drafts. (:

Bulma began to get back to work on his wounds, reaching to the side in order to snatch some medical bandages.

"Well, there's seven of them in total. Once you gather all of them, a massive dragon named Shenron appears," she explained, beginning to wrap the white tape around his torso. "He can grant any wish that you want."

The girl then glanced upwards, watching as a smirk formed at the corners of his lips. She responded by arching a sculpted brow.

"And you possess six of the seven, correct?"

His question prompted Bulma to abruptly halt, her bright blue eyes reflecting slight confusion and curiosity.

How did he... know about that? This guy doesn't have any sort of radar, right? Unless...

Did he get his hands on the one that Yamcha lost?!

Vegeta sensed her doubts and obvious interest, but he decided to not elaborate. If he were to speak of what that scouter was capable of, who knew what this woman would plan?

Speaking of planning, he actually had something up his sleeve as well. Sure, he could threaten to kill her and snatch the Balls for himself, but he had to take a more tactical approach.

Judging by what was already established, this girl wouldn't bend to his will that easily. She was, dare he say, intelligent.

She simply wouldn't hand them over if he only threatened her.

For now, he would play nice. Besides, she was offering to give him all of the health recourses he needed, so why not make the most of it? This was also a great opportunity to gather more information.

Then, he would murder her. For sure.

"How did you know I had them?" She asked, her aqua eyes scanning Vegeta with great confusion.

"Tch, don't be stupid," he coldly stated, searching for a somewhat decent excuse without letting her know about too much. "You and your pathetic mate kept bringing up the topic and I simply overheard."

Bulma simply frowned, slightly skeptical of his response. She wasn't quite sure what angered her more; the fact that he assumed her and that jerk were dating or that he admitted to eavesdropping.

"Are you going to continue gawking at me or will you finish treating my injuries?" He barked, earning an irritated expression from the girl.

"Don't get so full of yourself," she murmured.

With a childish huff, she obliged, continuing to wrap his chest in the medical bandages.


"There! You're all good to go," the girl mused, slipping off of the bed to better examine her handy work.

It was as great as usual, of course.

"About time," remarked the Saiyan, his charcoal colored eyes scanning her from a far.

His words earned a scowl from Bulma as she firmly placed her hands on her hips, flicking strands of her blue hair behind her shoulder.

Just as she was about to part her lips and retort some sort of sassy reply, she was interrupted by the sound of the bedroom door creaking open. This caused her and the Saiyan to both rapidly turn their heads in that direction.

"Bulma, dear! Are you busy?"

"Not really, ma. Is there something you need?"

In walked her mother, that signature sweet smile plastered upon her features. Her fingers were neatly interlocked behind her back whilst she stood beside the blue haired girl.

At the sight of the... confused Vegeta, she struck a surprised expression, quickly moving to his bedside.

"Oh, I'm just so glad that you're alright. My beautiful daughter and her boyfriend carried you here. Bulma begged for us to take you in."

The words prompted the scientist to visibly flush due to embarrassment and anger, her arms crossing against her chest.

"He's not my boyfriend, ma. We broke up." The topic visibly made her uneasy, evident by her tense shoulders.

Vegeta simply blinked at the two, growing more and more irritated by the second.

"Really? Maybe you should date this fine young man, then! He's very handsome," she cheerfully observed.

Red completely consumed Bulma's face, her brows furrowing due to approaching annoyance.

Vegeta's reaction was almost the same, except he was far more surprised and taken aback by the comment. Nonetheless, he really didn't have the time for such worthless chatter.

"What's your name, dear?"

"Vegeta," he mumbled, stiffly scowling at the two women.

Bulma's eyebrows rose, her arms casually crossing against her chest. His name is the same as his planet? She considered it odd, but who was she to judge? He was an alien, after all. His customs most likely far differed from her own.

"How about I go and bring some snacks? Along the way, I'll go tell your father that the young man woke up," she stated, her words directed towards her daughter.

Bulma nodded, flashing her a faint smile.

I love my mom, but I swear that she lives to embarrass me.

(815 words.)

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