10: No Self-Control

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Thank you all so much for your support and sweet comments. I appreciate every single one of you.<3

Recently, I've been editing previous chapters to try and make everything flow a little better. Anyways, enjoy!

A strained huff emitted from the lips of the Saiyan as he hoisted himself up off of the tiled floor.

As much as he didn't want to stay on Earth, there was no other option. He would rather be dead than to run away from someone as pathetic as Zarbon.

With that freak of an alien arriving in mere days, he needed to get stronger. Nothing else concerned him.

With a heavy hand, the prince disabled the gravity, immediately feeling lighter. His skin felt hot the touch as he used the back of his wrist to wipe away at his sweaty forehead.

If he kept going at his current pace, he would accomplish nothing. He needed to break through fifty times Earth's gravity.

The boy snatched a white towel thrown by the door and carelessly tossed it over his shoulder. Shortly after, his figure could be seen exiting the training room.

He stepped onto the grass and began to make his way towards the house. With little effort, he pried open the sliding door and entered the Briefs' kitchen.

He was warmly welcomed by the sight of none other than Bulma. She was sitting forward in one of the dining table's chairs, her black pen jotting down some ideas for more training machines.

She proceeded to raise her head, her shimmering eyes peering over at him through rows of thick lashes.

"It's about time you came out of that gravity room. I was starting to think that you died or something."

The scientist's words prompted Vegeta to take a closer look at her.

This was the second time that he saw her new appearance and it was really beginning to grow on him. He just wouldn't admit it.

"As if such weak technology could kill me," he eventually replied, standing next to her. His cold stare lingered on the girl as he watched her scribble some diagrams onto a piece of paper. "I almost mistook you for your father with that ridiculous hair of yours."

This, of course, made Bulma scrunch up her face in irritation. She sharply inhaled while brushing her blue bangs away from her forehead. The strands of aqua settled back into their original spot immediately afterwards, though.

"Ridiculous hair?" She bitterly repeated, her change in tone making Vegeta smirk. The heiress was quick to turn her head towards him. "You're one to talk! When was the last time you even cut yours?"

The warrior simply scoffed, crossing his bulky arms against his chest.

"A Saiyan maintains the same hair style from the day that he is born," he apathetically informed, flashing her a stern glance.

The boy's dark eyes shifted over towards the living room, narrowing at the television. A man with blonde hair and glasses seemed to be rather excited about hosting some sort of event, his voice oozing with enthusiasm.

He continued to watch as words soon presented themselves on the screen, prompting the prince to raise his eyebrows.

The word 'tournament' surely did intrigue him.

"Oh, that's the World Martial Arts Tournament," explained Bulma, glancing over towards the T.V. "Every three years, they determine who the best fighter is on Earth."

Vegeta's eyes flickered towards the girl next to him, silently asking for her to elaborate a little bit more.

Sensing his request, she continued, "It's actually taking place in a week from now. You should participate, I'm sure you'd do great."

A grin soon emerged upon the prince's features due to her words. He wouldn't just 'do great', he would win. This would be the perfect opportunity to prove his superiority against these pathetic excuse for fighters.

Perhaps even causing some chaos amidst the event would be satisfying as well.

"Of course I will. No one on this planet can even remotely compare to my strength."

This earned a smug smile from Bulma as she continued to plan things out on paper. "Your little hissy fits will annoy the opponents to death. That's one way to win."

Vegeta scowled, the vein on his forehead protruding outwards.

"You little—"

He was silenced by the abrupt sight of the girl standing up from her seat and pushing the chair in, her lips twisted up into a wicked— yet charming— smirk.

"You better watch what you say to me, buddy. I'm the one who's in charge of your precious Gravity Room," she mused, placing a confident hand on her chest.

However, her self-assured demeanor soon altered into one of confusion when she peered up at the chuckling Saiyan.

His laugh was almost diabolical and contained remnants of genuine evil within. This made Bulma back down almost entirely, feeling extraordinarily small in front of him.

The tone of his cackle was low and intimidating, but it also strangely made him seem ten times more attractive than he already was.

The heiress slowly rose her eyes, her navy blue irises widening at the realization of how close they were to one another.

The small of Bulma's back was pressed up against the edge of the table while her fingertips restlessly fiddled with the pen in her grasp.

Vegeta's head was screaming for him to walk away, but his body didn't budge. In fact, it felt as though he was growing even closer with every breath.


That expression on her delicate and welcoming features was captivating, her short aquamarine colored tresses only emphasizing her beauty.

The boy found himself to be giving into the warm feeling in his gut, his common sense and self-control being abandoned entirely. He soon placed both of his arms on either side of the heiress's figure, his fingers gripping the edge of the table.

"You're the most annoying creature I have ever met," he quietly murmured, his gaze never leaving her as he proceeded to draw closer.

Bulma's sapphire eyes dreamily fluttered up at him, concealed behind her lengthy lashes. She observed his handsome features and couldn't fight the urge to smile.

"I could say the same thing to you," she whispered back sweetly, her attention shifting onto his approaching mouth.

The Saiyan couldn't even think straight.

For months, this girl had been invading his thoughts during the day and his dreams at night.

It only felt right when their lips touched shortly after.

(1,042 words.)

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