6: Seperation

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Sorry for the wait on this one. I had a huge writer's block. Anyways, I hope you enjoy! <3

"Baseball, huh?" Questioned Bulma, bringing a glass of lemonade up to her lips.

"Yeah, it sounds interesting," he stated, casually reclining back into the chair. "The manager randomly approached me at the gym and asked me to join the team."

To Yamcha's surprise, Bulma flashed him a mischievous smirk, placing the now empty cup on top of the outdoor coffee table.

"Maybe it's because he saw how buff you are," she flirted, watching in amusement as his cheeks reddened. Annnnd checkmate. That was the reaction Bulma was hoping for. Sure, he wasn't afraid of girls anymore, but the heiress still managed to make him blush easily.

This time around, Bulma was the one who reignited their relationship again. Surprisingly. He held such a sentimental value to her, considering that he had been her first for everything. Just breaking it off like that was... strange, right? Well, she wasn't sure, but not being with him felt odd.

After going through a lot together, ending their relationship just seemed stupid.

In an attempt to seem— dare he say— 'cool', the boy grinned, throwing his arms behind his head casually. "Well, I wouldn't say that, but..." His gaze drifted away and settled upon the setting sun to his left.

He watched as the girl began to tinker with her newly created Dragon Radar... since the other vanished thanks to Yamcha.

The outdoor air around them was fresh and breezy, grazing both of their faces tenderly. It was nearing nighttime and a slight chill accompanied the wind.

"Hey," Bulma addressed, her aqua colored eyes glancing towards the window. She caught sight of her houseguest through the glass as he opened the refrigerator door in the kitchen. She scanned him briskly, observing his movements. "How long do you think he's staying for?"

It had been nearly a month since the Saiyan arrived, yet she knew little about him. Who really was he? Were the dragon balls truly the only reason he had come? Still... she couldn't quite shake the feeling that he was staying at her home for evil reasons.

Her words visibly made the desert bandit scowl, his dark brows furrowing. His eyes shifted towards the window as well, examining the alien's every action. Vegeta seemed to be the main topic around there lately— especially to Bulma. It was always Vegeta this, or Vegeta that.

"Hopefully not for long," Yamcha responded bitterly, shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

The girl paused, her lips curling upwards. She continued to watch the prince silently. "Relax, Yamcha. No need to be so bitter."

"If he wasn't injured, he would've killed us for sure," he responded, resting a balled up fist against his cheek sourly.

Bulma's head whipped around to face him, attempting to make out his mannerisms. She was quite surprised at his attitude, especially since she had only just been laughing with him.

"He can kill us at any time, but he hasn't. Maybe he had a change of heart or something, I don't know."

"Change of heart?" He repeated, chuckling darkly. "Guys like him don't have hearts." His gaze situated itself upon the blue haired girl.

"Well," she began, her eyes shifting over towards the window once more... only to find out that Vegeta had vanished from the kitchen. "I think guys like him are good on the inside. That's why I fell for you, y'know."

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