11: Exposure

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Hi, guys! Thank you SO much for over 700 views on this story, that's literally insane. When I was writing the first chapter, I never expected to receive this much support. 💕

Bulma's aquamarine eyes shifted towards the outdoor garden in vain.

She attempted to completely forget about what happened yesterday, but the scene was still fresh in her mind.

How could she not forget about it? The way that Saiyan's firm lips roughly consumed her own was just mesmerizing. God, the feeling was heavenly.

"Ugh!" Bulma exclaimed sourly, her head shaking with disapproval. With an audible huff, the girl approached a nearby rose bush. "I need to stop remembering."

That would be nearly impossible, though.

The thought of the kiss was like a lost puppy that constantly followed her, begging for attention.

Speaking of which...

"Bulma, hey! Funny seeing you here."

This prompted the girl to whirl around, her short blue tresses moving simultaneously with her body.

"Yamcha?" She inquired, her sculpted eyebrows raising due to genuine confusion as he jogged up.

What was he doing here?

"Yeah! I was just driving by and I saw you outside," he signaled over towards his car, which appeared to be brand new compared to when Bulma had seen him a month ago. "How've you been?"

How had she been? Terrible! What was the best possible way to say that she made-out with her alien houseguest?

"Oh, you know, the usual," she awkwardly replied, flashing a half-hearted smile at the boy standing in front of her.

Her and Yamcha didn't quite end on good terms the last time they spoke, but all was forgotten. They fought so much that the reasons for it were always unknown.

"Listen," he eventually said, his dark brown eyes lowering in order to examine her features. "I was wondering if you wanted to go to the tournament with me... like old times."

The desert bandit took a step closer to her, his serious expression scrutinizing Bulma's bewildered one.

"I want to do everything I can to impress you, B. I missed you so—"


The abrupt slam of the kitchen door echoed throughout the yard. It were as if the colorful arrangements of flowers withered at the sound.

The commotion prompted both Bulma and Yamcha to jump and whirl around, their gazes sweeping over towards none other than...

"Vegeta," growled the desert bandit, his brows furrowing at the sight of the prince. He bent his knees as if he was preparing for a fight.

By the looks of things, Vegeta was just heading out to the Gravity Chamber to begin his training.

He had been secretly attempting to avoid the heiress all day, but unfortunately for him, he came across her and the Earthling warrior.

That moment from yesterday embarrassed him heavily and only reminded him of his weakness; a weakness of him succumbing to the charms of that blue-haired girl.

The Saiyan simply pursed his lips in response to Yamcha's nonverbal threat, his raven eyes flickering over at him with visible amusement.

"What's this? I didn't know that the weaklings were gathering up at one location today," he smugly shot back, smirking as the other male tensed his shoulders.

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