5: Jealousy

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Thank you guys so much for the support on my story! I really appreciate it.

As usual, I don't own the Dragon Ball series, but I wish I did—

Yamcha simply paced back and forth in front of Capsule Corporation, his brows knitted together in deep thought.

Despite him helping Bulma bring that wounded guy to her home, he was now having regrets. Just what the hell was he thinking at the time? Letting some— presumably— evil alien into her house?

God, he felt so stupid! If she happened to get hurt in anyway, he'd definitely be the one to blame.

He was fuming at that point, visibly frustrated in himself for allowing such a thing. What if... they hooked up or something?! The thought worried him considering that he was aware of Bulma's interest in dangerous men.

That's why she fell for him in the first place.

His grasp around the stems of the flowers in his hand tightened unintentionally.

As if almost on cue, the front door slowly opened, revealing a smiling Mrs. Briefs. She looked rather surprised to see him, especially since Bulma mentioned earlier that she and him had broken up.

"Oh, Yamcha! What a pleasant surprise. What brings you here?"

The desert bandit bowed his head in respect, chuckling due to slight nervousness. "Hey, Mrs. Briefs. Is Bulma home?"

The woman blinked up at him, her gaze lowering onto the bouquet of assorted roses and plants in his hands. The couple were about to get back together again, no doubt.

"Sure is! She's in the first bedroom to the left."

Yamcha said a quick and rushed 'thank you' before entering the rather large house. He could remember the first time he went inside and how he marveled at how huge it was.


"You've made a tremendous recovery, my boy," announced Dr. Briefs, his face stricken with an amazed expression.

He was definitely confused as to how this young stranger managed to survive after all of the injuries that he obtained.

Vegeta simply smirked, grateful that at least someone had complimented his speedy healing time.

"Well, he's an alien," Bulma commented, her aqua eyes scanning her father. "Maybe that's what his race is known for."

The Prince glanced over towards the blue-haired girl, his lips pursing. She was smart, he'd give her that much.

"An alien?" The old man questioned.

"My race thrives in fighting. After every near death experience, we grow much stronger than before," he unenthusiastically explained, beginning to inch closer towards the edge of the bed.

The girl and her father blinked over at him, taking in what he said.

With a grunt, Vegeta attempted to slip off of the mattress, his feet nearing the hardwood floor.

Bulma was quick to gasp, rushing towards him. "Vegeta, be careful! Your body isn't ready to get up just yet."

The Saiyan simply flashed her a look of annoyance, eventually beginning to slowly limp towards the door.

"You idiot!" She barked, slinging one of his arms around her shoulder. She then placed her free hand upon his chest for extra support so he didn't tumble over.

"Unhand me at once, girl!" He growled back, though making no attempts to free himself from her grasp.

"She's right, my boy. Once you recover properly, I can build you some training equipment if you so wish," announced Dr. Briefs, his hands placing themselves into his lab coat's pockets.

That... most certainly did pique his interest. Did this man really have the ability to do such a thing?

Before Vegeta had the opportunity to respond, the door abruptly creaked open. The three of them whirled around towards the sound, their eyes resting upon Yamcha.

"Hey, guys!" The boy greeted.

The first thing the desert bandit's gaze traveled to was Bulma, then onto the alien that she... seemed to be embracing?

His cheerful grin began to alter into a frown at the sight.

"Oh, Yamcha. What brings you here?" Dr. Briefs questioned, offering him a faint smile.

"Oh, I- I just..." His words began to trail off as his dark eyes examined the smirking Vegeta and confused Bulma. "... I wanted to talk to Bulma about something."

This earned an odd expression from the blue-haired girl, her face unreadable. Though, she was quick to turn her back towards him.

"Maybe later if I feel like it," She eventually replied coldly, motioning towards how she was already busy attempting to assist the stubborn Vegeta.

Now she was willfully and sweetly looking after him? Sure, he was injured, but that much attention wasn't necessary... right?

"Are you going to release me now or will I have to resort to amputation?" The Prince's cold words prompted Yamcha to snap out of his thoughts.

He simply watched as his former girlfriend furrowed her brows and exhaled.

"Can you calm down? We already told you that you can't try to walk around just yet," she snapped back, eyes narrowing.

Vegeta was about to retort some nasty comment back to her, but Mr. Briefs intervened.

"You make sure you look after him, okay, Bulma?"

The girl nodded her head, proceeding to gently lead the alien back towards the bed. "Not a problem, dad."

Yamcha felt... odd. Out of place maybe? Yeah, that was the most accurate way to describe it. Bulma and this stranger appeared to already have become acquainted rather well, much to his dismay.

He offered a slight wave towards the leaving old man, standing stiffly by the doorway with the bouquet still in his hands.

"I brought you a flowers, B."

(897 words.)

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