3: Too Close

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Part 3, let's go! This is literally my favorite chapter and I adore it SO much; I loved writing it. I hope you guys enjoy it, too!

An abrupt darkness slowly began to consume him, causing the Saiyan to bare his teeth. His charcoal eyes shifted around the area, his brows furrowed. He could feel the sweat pour down his chest and neck as he stood there, alone, and in the middle of no where.

It was fast, but for a moment he could sense light. Relief washed over him as he began to sprint towards the destination that glimmered with hope and freedom.

The illuminated presence allowed itself to be known once more, prompting him to extend his arm outwards. His hand desperately swiped for it, his face contorted with determination.

He reached.

And reached.

And... reached.

Until he missed, his fingertips just barely grazing the edge of it.

He found no ground for him to walk on, only a deep pit of despair. Was he... falling?

With a gasp, Vegeta sat up, his fluttering eyes scanning the area in shock. To his relief, his surroundings weren't that of darkness, but only just a small bedroom with some shelves and a window to his left.

The prince attempted to reach his arm up to wipe the beads of sweat from his forehead, but the action caused him pain.

He grunted, only then realizing what had happened the last time he was awake.

He paid a friendly visit to the Planet Saw, but those jackasses somehow overpowered his own massive strength. That was when someone on that hunk of junk spoke of the Earth's Dragon Balls. Desperately, he ventured to see them for himself, but the injuries he obtained were far too great.


The abrupt sound from across the room snapped him from his thoughts. His cold gaze directed itself towards the door that just opened.

In strolled that same blue haired girl, a hum slipping past her lips. However, at the sight of him awake, she gasped.

Vegeta watched in silence as she quickly rushed towards the desk beside the bed, her face stricken with astonishment.

"How are you up so fast? My father said that there was a slim chance of you even surviving!"

This caused him to sneer, his lips curling upwards into a devious grin. He constantly kept proving others' wrong and loved every second of it.

"Sorry for the disappointment, but I'm very much alive."

Ah, that's right... why did she even take him here in the first place? Why bother to assist him?

Bulma simply blinked at him, her eyes examining him. His features appeared to be rugged and tough, but it was— dare she say— attractive. His dirtied clothing from earlier was discarded, so what stood in front of her was a shirtless boy seated upon a messy bed.

She couldn't tell earlier, but now that all the dried blood was gone, he was pretty cute.

Just that thought alone made the girl blush sheepishly.

"So... how're you feeling?" She awkwardly questioned, her gaze shifting over onto the several sheets of paper aligning the surface of the desk.

The Prince scoffed, wanting to cross his arms against his chest, but that only caused him pain.

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