12: The Threat Arrives

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Two updates in two days? I know, I'm a madman. Surprisingly, I actually have everything planned out.

That being said, I hope you enjoy~!

It was mid-afternoon on Earth. The orange hue of the hovering sun illuminated the citizens and tall buildings of West City.

The air was crisp and warm, which made for a a rather pleasant day to go shopping. To no one's surprise, Bulma sure as hell took the opportunity to buy some things.

The heiress was currently in one of her favorite jewelry shops, conversing with a female employee about some trinkets.

"Oh, wow!" She abruptly exclaimed, gawking at a captivating silver ring enclosed within its glass display. "How much for that one?"

"About thirty million Zeni."

The words of the worker nearly made Bulma fall on her face. Sure, she was filthy rich, but the price they were asking for was outrageous!

After repositioning her shopping bags around her wrists, the scientist eventually spoke up.

"Thirty million?" Repeated the young girl, blinking at the saleswoman behind the counter in disbelief.

"That's correct."

How the heck is this stupid little ring worth that much?! She inwardly thought, her eyes beginning to gloss over the ring indecisively. It's definitely a lot, but dad wouldn't mind if I got it, right...?


Surely enough, she bought it. She had to admit that it was beautiful, despite the high price point.

With a confident smile, the girl would extend her arm outwards and gaze at the charming jewel on her finger.

"I wonder what Vegeta will think about it..." She found herself to be dwelling on thoughts of him again. It couldn't really be helped.

With a defeated huff, she shook her head before beginning to stroll down the sidewalk.

However, her moment of tranquility didn't last long. At all.

An ear piercing crash echoed on Bulma's left, causing a shriek to emit from her lips. Smoke and debris accompanied the sound, throwing the poor girl onto the concrete.

She attempted to sit up, but just couldn't find the energy due to the scrapes and bruises already forming on her skin.

What the hell is going on?! Her frightened sapphire orbs widened at the sight of an explosion in the distance.

A skyscraper not too far away was crawling with orange flames, threatening to catch the surrounding buildings on fire as well.

Screams and shouts flooded the atmosphere around the heiress as she desperately tried to stand on her feet. People scattered in every which direction, leaving Bulma in the midst of chaos.

That's when it hit her.

"I have to help Vegeta!"

Despite being in a life or death situation, all she could manage to do was be concerned about her Saiyan houseguest.

That Zarbon guy probably just got here. I need to warn him before it's too late!

An abrupt surge of strength coursed through the heiress's veins and allowed her to arise.

Fortunately for Bulma, the adrenaline pumping in her heart caused her to dismiss the aching sensation of her body.

The shopping bags that she once carried around were soon forgotten about.

She ran until she couldn't stand much longer. She ran until that bright yellow house of hers was only feet away. She ran until she could see for herself that Vegeta was safe.

By the looks of things, that freak from space hadn't reached Capsule Corp yet— much to her relief.

Though, what she wasn't expecting to see was none other than Vegeta idling in front of the Gravity Chamber.

An expression of concern appeared over the prince's features at the sight of the alarmed Bulma.

"Zarbon's here!" She staggered over towards him, stopping when she was only mere inches away. "He blew up a couple of buildings in the city. I'm just relieved that I got to you before he did..."

He was there already? The thought left the boy mentally cursing to himself. His initial shock altered into pent up frustration.

Admittedly, Vegeta had no idea if he could even win. He'd gotten stronger since being on Earth, but that guaranteed nothing.

Zarbon was on a whole different league.

Knowing that green bastard, he'll be here in mere minutes, concluded the Saiyan, his irritated leer wavering over onto the girl in front of him.

"Bulma, go inside." His demand was harsh, but the gentle gloved hand he placed on her shoulder said otherwise.

That was the first time that he actually referred to her as her name. This alone made the heiress realize how serious their situation was.

Her aquamarine orbs slowly gleamed at him, catching sight of the fury and uncertainty on his face.

With a hesitant nod, Bulma eventually caved in.

There were so many things that she wished to say in that moment, but the words just wouldn't form in her mouth.

Instead, she simply exchanged a subtle glance with him before rushing across the grass and towards the kitchen door.

However, she didn't follow Vegeta's instructions.

Instead, the girl concealed her body behind one of the several pillars of her home. There was no way in hell she would miss this fight.

"I didn't expect you to disobey Frieza in such a way, Vegeta."

A new voice presented itself, causing a pit of terror to form in Bulma's stomach. The dialect of the alien was rather sophisticated, but his tone leaked out nothing but pure evil.

This was when she eventually decided to take a peek.

She slowly maneuvered her head away from the pillar, her eyes immediately widening at the scene in front of her.

Standing just a few feet away from Vegeta was none other than Zarbon. Although his appearance was dignified— and insanely attractive— he was terrifying.

The only thing that shocked her was that even Vegeta looked to be intimidated.

Well, that was until he mustered up his angst and shot back some cocky remark of his own.

"And so what if I did? I can't wait until the day that I'll dirty my hands with his blood."

This earned a dark chuckle from the green-skinned fighter as he gracefully whipped his braid over his shoulder.

"Someone as pathetic as you can't even lay a single finger on Lord Frieza," Zarbon presumptuously declared.

The corner of the Saiyan's firm lips would abruptly turn upwards, forming a rather wicked grin.

"That's what you think, ugly freak."

(1,037 words.)

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