8: Danger

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"This stupid thing!" Shouted the girl, throwing her arms up in exasperation. She followed up the action by sharply huffing and running her hands through her short blue tresses.

That morning, she visited the hair stylist and requested for a short cut. It was experimental, sure, but she loved it so far.

"I can't believe I got stuck repairing this."

The device that sat in front of her on the work desk was none other than Vegeta's scouter. Bulma had been attempting to fix it nearly all week, and though she was making process, it still irritated her.

With shake of her head, the heiress brought the gadget up to her face to further examine it. Then, she realized it.

"That's it!" She exclaimed, a look of triumph conquering her features. "The wires are just faulty from the exterior damage it sustained."

A confident giggle slipped past her lips as she reached over her desk for a screwdriver. Once she got a hold of it, the girl got to work.

It were as if some sort of miracle made its appearance in her home. Well— maybe that or she was just a complete genius!

In the blink of an eye, the scouter began to operate like normal. Beeps emitted from its speaker and the screen flickered back to life.


Faint voices began to drown out the beeping sounds from the device, prompting the curious Bulma to blink.

"Huh? That's odd..."


"Earth?" Questioned the pale beast, swirling the contents of the wine glass in his hands. His demonic eyes inspected the ruby colored liquid as it moved in a circular direction, his purple lips tugging downwards. "That stupid monkey always wishes to defy me."

"His scouter is on right now, sir. However, it's possible that he may have abandoned it so his location could be hidden."

"I see..." Why was he there of all places? Surely he didn't form an alliance with them, right? No, that couldn't be the case. Vegeta was known to prefer working alone and without assistance. That being said, why was he staying there for so long?

Those filthy Saiyans.

"We can send someone to get him if you wish, my lor—"

"Zarbon," interrupted Frieza, his tail violently colliding against the tiled flooring. This abrupt action earned a surprised expression from the green-skinned alien behind him. "Go to that planet and bring him to me at once."

Zarbon simply blinked, his eyes examining the monster. He was visibly full of confusion, but smartly chose not to disagree.

"Dead or alive?"

The lizard-like beast cracked a wicked grin, the liquid in his glass returning to its normal and still movement. "Alive. I want him to understand what happens when he is disobedient."

"Understood, Lord Frieza."

And with that, the braided warrior swiftly exited the throne room.

That silly monkey will think twice before opposing my authority ever again, Thought the beast, his purple lips curling into a menacing grin.


Bulma's aqua eyes widened at the conversation she was eavesdropping in on. The voices had been muffled slightly, but it still sounded as clear as day.

They're talking about Vegeta, right? They have to be! But why...? Millions of thoughts were swarming her head.

The girl immediately removed the device from her face before frantically switching it off.

At that point, she could hear nothing except for the pounding of her own heartbeat in her ears.

"Zarbon," she breathed, listening to how the name rolled off her tongue. The foreign word made her shiver.

Then who was the other guy? He seemed to have authority over this 'Zarbon' alien. The entity dubbed as Lord Frieza must've been one hell of a scary person.

All she wished to do was repair the gadget, but instead, she walked in on some exchange regarding Vegeta. The two men seemed to know him in some way, but Bulma couldn't figure out as to how.

She wasn't sure what to focus on— the fact that this 'scouter' is a communication device or that her houseguest was in serious danger.

One thing was for certain. The lives of everyone on this planet was at stake.

Would she inform Vegeta of the threat? Yes, of course! If he knows, there's a chance he can flee Earth before that Zarbon guy got there. That would require her to admit that she was snooping through his stuff, though.

However, if he left...

The girl's sculpted eyebrows knitted together due to frustration, her palms gripping the surface of her lab desk. Her loose sapphire locks fell in front of her features as she glanced at the floor in deep concentration.

If he left...

The words rang out through her head menacingly.

The heiress could feel her stomach churn at just the thought of never seeing Vegeta again. There really wasn't any reason as to why she should be sad about it. She was simply letting him stay at her home to heal.

...But it had been about 3 months since he first arrived. His wounds were long gone.

Then, it hit her.

Did she like him?

No, no, that was impossible. He was some alien from space with a tail. How could she—

"A tail!" She abruptly shouted, realization practically slapping her in the face. "Why didn't I put two and two together sooner?!"

Goku had one of those, too! Were the both of them apart of the same race? It would make a lot of sense considering her young friend's inhuman behavior.

"Still... what are we going to do about that Zarbon guy?" Questioned Bulma, placing the brushing the blue bangs away from her forehead in deep thought.

Surely Goku's strength combined with Vegeta's was enough to beat him, right? But maybe not. She had no way of knowing.

A frustrated huff emitted from the girl's lips as she stood up from her work desk. Her aqua eyes gazed down at the scouter on the table menacingly, contemplating what to do.

"There's no time for second guessing," she soon told herself, picking up the gadget.

With a determined stride, the heiress exited her bedroom before impatiently making her way down the hallway's staircase.

However, a rather angry set of charcoal colored eyes stared her down as soon as she got into the living room.

It was Vegeta.

And he didn't seem too pleased about his device being in her hands.

(1,063 words.)

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