The Kiss (Special Draft)

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Hello! Kayla from the future (aka April 2nd, 2024) here. I found this chapter originally in the drafts, and to make up for not posting in decades, I decided to release it. Not to say that this chapter is inappropriate, buuuuut just be cautious in case, haha. I'm starting to get back into the swing of things, but working 60 hours a week while trying to write is kinda tricky. I want to continue at the Tournament and I'll keep going at it whenever I get the chance on my days off. Thank you for all of your love and support on this fanfic, it makes me so truly happy and appreciative.

Hope you guys enjoy.<3


Electricity pulsed through Bulma's body as soon as their lips collided. The sensation was strange and foreign, something that she never experienced before.

Even when she used to do the same thing with Yamcha, it never felt as rewarding as this.

The pen that was once in her hands abruptly fell to the floor and the sound rang out throughout the kitchen.

Vegeta saw this as an opportunity to pounce, his hands finding themselves on her skin. One arm snaked around her figure and wrapped itself around her waist. The other made its way into her hair, pulling her closer in order to deepen the kiss.

The heiress emitted a strained pant at his advances, her body willingly melting into his.

Everything about him was like magic; never had she been this swayed by a man before. His touch and mouth were as irresistible as candy.

Bulma wrapped her arms around his neck affectionately, proceeding to tremble as his rough hands grazed her face and hips.

The scientist followed up her actions by running a palm through his charcoal colored locks, her fingertips gliding over his scalp softly.

This earned a satisfied grunt from the prince as he tightened his hold on her, feeling the need to pull away in order to catch his breath.

He did, but his pursuit was far from done.

A gasp escaped Bulma once she found herself being lifted up by him. It felt as though the entire world was spinning when the coldness of the table became pressed against her back.

That's when she realized that her figure was laying on the surface of the table while the ruthless Saiyan Prince stood on the floor in between her legs.

This made the heiress's cheeks immediately contort into a deep shade of crimson, her body heating up tremendously.

The boy soon paused, placing his palms on the table on either side of her head. His observant eyes scanned the woman underneath of him.

The way her short, blue colored locks were sprawled out around her face was just mesmerizing. They cascaded her natural beauty with ease.

"Did you think it was over?" He mused.

Bulma was at a complete loss for words, unable to even form a proper reply. Her mind was numb and her ears refused to comprehend the syllables that left his mouth.

The only thing that she could hear was the rapid pounding of her own heart.

When that same twisted— yet attractive— grin became plastered on his features once again, she froze. How could someone be so charming without even trying?

That's when it happened.

The cold warrior flashed her a threatening look before reaching for the bottom of his shirt. In one swift motion, he pulled it over the top of his head before allowing it to drop onto the floor.

That one simple action made Bulma's sculpted eyebrows raise due to complete surprise.

Her gaze immediately lowered, skimming past his collarbone until settling upon his chiseled chest and abdomen.

God, she didn't know that muscles could look like that.

His body was magnificent and the girl hadn't ever seen anything like it.

The setting sunlight poured through the kitchen window, illuminating his already picture-perfect figure. Permanent scars scattered across his front, only adding to his appeal.

Bulma leaned into him once he closed the distance between them again, his mouth grazing her jawline.

His lips began their descent down the girl's nape, causing her entire body to shiver in utter delight.

The prince's teeth nibbled at her skin while his tongue glided over the marks that he was in the process of creating.

"Vegeta," she whispered, tilting her head to the side in order to grant him more access to her neck. "I—"

"Oh my!" Exclaimed Mrs. Briefs, her baffled expression scanning the rather... interesting scene in front of her.

The petrified Bulma immediately gasped, her hands scrambling to shove the alarmed Vegeta off of her.

The annoyed and confused Saiyan growled due to frustration before leaning away from the girl.

He eventually stepped away from the table, angrily swiping his shirt from off of the floor.

"Damnit!" He cursed out, his deadly glare situating itself upon the married couple in front of him.

Dr. Briefs blinked profusely at his daughter as she rapidly sat up and slid off the table. "Uh... sorry, dear. If you want, we could leave..."

"Not happening, dad!" Shouted the embarrassed heiress, her entire face reddening.

Oh my God, this can't be happening! She inwardly thought, wishing she were dead at that moment.

Bulma's eyes soon drifted towards the fuming boy nearby, her ears unintentionally drowning out all of the cheerful and teasing remarks that her mother was cooing.

The scientist was concerned about him, especially since she could tell how mad he probably was.

She was proven right once Vegeta began to storm out of the kitchen, the glass door slamming shut behind him.

With a saddened expression, the girl watched as he briskly made his way across the lawn and towards the Gravity Room.

"So, I'm guessing that he liked your new hair?"

"You two are so embarrassing!"

(856 words.)

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