Love Hurts - Ralbert

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It hurts to love Albert.

It hurts to love anyone.

Race sat in the corner, music playing in a different room muffed by the walls surrounded him. The walls who watch in putty as the same scene played over and over.

Tears running down his face, eyes red and sore from being wiped constantly. Bruise on his cheeks from hitting himself. Dried blood crusted on his arm and staining the sleeves.

He hurt. His heart. His head.

Everything felt heavy yet empty.

He was feeling pain, he hurt to love. Albert was confused when race first mentioned it.

"it hurts to love you"

Of course, Albert was concerned at this phase. He thought Race didn't love him anymore. Race knew that wasn't it, he loved Albert more than anyone, anything. He just couldn't explain the heaviness in his heart.

Now he is back in that corner. The room dark, empty yet full of thoughts, clouded with emotion. Race had figured out what the problem was.

He didn't want to be alive.

He didn't see a future for himself.

He knew, that being with Albert, even as happy and loved he felt, Albert would get in the way of any plan Race had to kill himself.

It hurt. It hurt him knowing there was no escape. Knowing he had brought someone else in the position to be hurt. He didn't want to hurt Albert. He love him.

He loved him so much, he would do anything for him. He didn't want to leave.

He was shaking. His heart rate was increasing. Pins and needles pricked at his nerves. Darkness was engolfing him. He couldn't see.

Everything stopped.
The tears, the pain, the loneliness.

The sound of the front door was heard through the house, keys being thrown onto the side as Albert called out for his boyfriend.

Standing up, suddenly aware of the room, the judging stares from the walls. Race quickly pulled his sleeves down and rushed into the bathroom.

It was just Race in the bathroom. Wishing he was never born.
Splashing water on his face as he could hear footsteps coming up the stairs.

Time to put and act on.

Race would pretend to be fine for another day. Then the scene would play out again. And again. And again.

Hi this is absolutely dog shit and I didn't know how to end it but I needed to vent.

Thank you so much for 3K reads. A number I don't really understand but I know it's big.

Stay safe ❤️

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