"Race, Open The Door!" - Sprace

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Trigger warning!!! Self harm, suicidal thoughts, blood. Uh I think that's it


Race sat in his bed. Fairy lights were stung so delicately from his ceiling at they lit up the room in a soft warm glow. He had been sitting there for a while. 2 hours to be exact. He wasn't doing anything. He wasn't even thinking. He felt nothing.

Suddenly there was a voice in his head. The all too familiar voice telling him things he knew but didn't want to believe.

'you have no friends'

'you're a disappointment'

'no one would care if you left'

'do something, anything, feel again'

They just kept getting louder and louder till Race was hunched over, hands covering his ears in attempts to mute the voices in his head. They kept going and going, getting louder and louder.

"FINE!" Race screamed back the the voice as it stopped just as quickly as it started. Spot was home yet, no one could stop him. With shaking legs he lifted himself onto his feet before going to his desk and reaching under it in order to grab the hidden blade under the dark wood.

----mini time skip cause I don't wanna describe the rn ----

Race was sobbing on the bathroom floor, clothes ruined and skin mangled. He didn't want to pass out on the floor in his own blood but at the same time he didn't care to stop it. He pressed himself against the wall and pulled his legs up to his chest with a hiss from the pain.

Not long after Race got into his new position he hear the front door opening. Spot was home. With a new found burst of energy Race jumped up and locked the door before once again collapsing back down to the cold tiled floor.

"Race?" he could hear Spot calling from the kitchen "Race? Where are you?" Race tried to muffle his sobs but was too late and let out a cry that caught Spots attention.

"Tony?" Spot was now outside the bathroom door and tried the handle. Locked. Another cry came from the other side of the door. "Tony? Please open the door" Spots words were soft, gentle, inviting. Race almost gave in before the voices pulled him back down. "Race open the door"

After 5 minutes of pleading and no answer Spot began to frantically bang again the door "Racetrack. Please open the door. If you don't Ill call an ambulance"

"NO" Race jumped up and instinctively unlocked the door still covered in blood. He couldn't go back, he hated the hospital.

Race didn't say anything more as he fell into Spots arms from exauhtion and probably from the about of blood he'd lost.

"Tony- I" Spot carried Race to the bed and gently placed him down. He went to grab the med kit and also threw a text to the boys asking for help. Instantly Jack and Albert were on their way to Spot and Races' apartment. Walking back to a now motionless Race, Spot carefully sat down and took the wet cloth to the dried blood on Races arms. Pulling back slightly Race hissed at the pain before giving in and letting Spot clean up. After the bandages they both heard a knock at the door.

Spot walked out and let Albert and Jack in. Race almost fell asleep but he walked to know who it was. He there a jumper on and a pair of pj bottoms as he hobbled into the living room. "Albie? Jack?" his voice cracked as he tried to make his way over to the couch. He was exhausted but still wanted his friends. He needed his friends. Falling onto the couch he let out a muffled laugh as Spot started up the conversation to help distract Race for a short while.

Race was smiling, it was small, but it was there. He would instinctively run his hands over his wrists just to be greeted with the bandages and the memories. Eventually Spot caught on and took Races hands in his as he gently traced circled into his boyfriends hands as he continued the conversation.


It soon hit midnight and both Albert and Jack thought it was time to leave. They felt content that Race seemed to calm down and loosen up and felt confident in Spot to keep him safe. With a wave goodbye the two boys were once again left alone. Race was worn down and about to collapse as he tried to get off the couch. "let me go change the sheets first" Spot remembered as he gently pushed Race back down. "ill come get you in a minute" after receiving no argument he went into the bedroom and changed the sheets from the now red stained sheets to a dark blue set. Throwing the old sheets in the wash he also went and cleaned up the bathroom quickly. Throwing the razors in the bin and getting up as much blood as he could.

When done he walked back to a now sleeping Race. He looked so peaceful, no worry, no pain. Scooping the blonde boy up in his arms Spot walked them back to the bed before placing Race in and climbing in next to him. Kissing the boys head Spot mumbled a quiet "I love you" and eventually fell asleep being careful of the fragility of his lover next to him.

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