Trans! Jack

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The room was dark, Jack hadnt had the enrgy to put the light on so had to get dressed in the dark.

Another day, another breakdown.

He brushed my hair back and braided it into two sections. He want to cut it, he just cant bring himself to do it. And wasnt out so trying to convince his mum would be pointless.

Wiping the tears brewing in his eyes he stood up and continued putting the rest of the uniform on. White shirt, grey skirt and my black trainers. Shoving his bag on my back and grabbing his coat he left without breakfast or a good bye.

The sky was grey, clowdy and threatening to storm. The first rain drops started to fall as he pulled his hood over his head and ran the rest of the way to school.

Approaching the gates he saw his friends, Race and Albert were uncomfortably close talking about the night before , romeo and finch were talking about some video game and crutchie and davey were the first to notice him come over.

"Jess!" Jack winced at the name as Crutchie shouted over, drawing a few stares from the other students but that didnt stop his smile.

Jack wasnt out yet, he had planned to do it today at lunch but the shaking in his hands and tighteness in his chest were not promising.

Davey smiled and pulled jack into a hug. "I like your hair today" he paused to think. "If it starts to fall out can i redo it!" he was always excited at the opportunity to do Jacks hair and always asked. "sure" Jack smiled and blushed slightly, he loved when davey did his hair. The way he'd comb the hair back and gently braid it, apologising if he pulled too hard or caught a hair. He was so sweet about that.


Lunch time came and insead of going with the boys to the lunch hall jack dragged davey and crutchie to an empty classroom like usually. The boys liked to eat lunch in there and with their packed lunches they didnt need to go down to the hall anyways.

This was the time. Jacks hands were still shaking, they hadnt stopped.

They all pulled up a chair and grabbed some food from their bags.

"i have something to tell you" he blurted out, he couldnt help it.

"what is it jess?" Davey asked looking up from his packet of crisps.

"well" he stopped. He didnt know what to say next. As much as he thought about it he didnt know what to say next.

"im not a girl" his voice was quiet. Almost a whisper and the other two boys could barely make out what he had said.

"hu?" crutchie looked confused as he took another bite out his chocolate bar.

"im not a girl" he said a little louder now. "im trans"

There was silence and jack started to panic. They hated him. Of course they would. He was weird. Crazy for wanting to be a boy.

His heart started to race and his hands only shook more violently than before. Tears started to fall and he didnt even notice both his freinds rushing over to confort him.

"its okay, we support you" Davey held the crying jack in his arms and gave crutchie a confused look.

After letting jack calm down they needed to ask some questions. Of course they understood what trans was. Smalls was trans and she was always supported by the boys so of course jack would be too.

"So youre a boy?" Davey asked, careful to not set the boy next to him into a flood of tears again.

He nodded, wiping his eyes once more.

"do you have a new name?" crutchie asked.

"Jack..." he paused, waiting for their reaction.

"ooo i like that, its cute." Davey said with a giggle as Jack blushed.

"i agree, it really suits you!" crutchie smiled and pulled jack into a hug. "how long have you know?"

"about a year now" jack burried his face into the younger boys shoulder as he answered.

"and you didnt tell us? You know we wouldve supported you, we love you." Davey said as he joined the hug.

"i know, i just wasnt ready"

After a while they all let go and went back to their lunch food.

"are you gonna get a binder? Cut your hair? " davey asked as he tipped the rest of the crisp crumbs into his mouth.

"i hope so, im jusy not out to my mum yet so i cant." jack

"i mean you can..." there was a mischievous tint to crutchies voice as he swang back on the chair. "dude you know you're mum will accept you, she loves you"

"i know... Im just scared" jack responded taking the last bite of his lunch and walking over to the bin to throw his rubbish away.

"we can be with you, when you're ready of course" davey was also finished and packing away his lunch

"maybe tomorrow..." jack thought for a bit. "maybe tomorrow..."

"How about the other boys? You gonna tell them?" crutchie readjusted his cruch under his arm to be more stable.

"yeah i will, could you guys help me? Just let them know my new name and pronouns?"

The boys nodded as the bell made it clear it was time for english.

The subject was changed to their homework as the boyswalked the class. A smile plasted on jacks face and a weight lifted of his shoulders.

He could be himself, well in time he could truely present as himself but his friends knowing was enough for now.


Hi hi, not the best but im having a rough and hella dysphoric time right now so have some trans jack!!!

Also thank you for 6k thats incredible. I know i dont write as much as i used to but i appreciate it alot.
(i felt bad about deadnaming hin even though he is a fictional character and this isnt canon...)

Stay safe, i love you all <3

Remember to proof read before publishing lads in sorry for the spelling before 😂

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