Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"hello daughter." He said as he smiled at me. "come sit down." He said as he opened a chair on the table in front of him, I walked forward and sat down directly opposite him. "I heard you were making quite the scene this morning."

"I was tired of all the waiting." I told him simply. "was that really needed?" he shrugged at me.

"i wouldn't have done it if it wasn't needed. Now tell me why are you finally here to see me?"

"if this is the side my family chooses, then this is the side I will be on." I told him.

"that's a big difference to the last time I saw you child. You were saying that you hated me and you would never join me and now you've all of a sudden changed it is not that easy. Your friends will hate you, you understand you will have to fight people you once were close to." I should have known it didn't look right. He wasn't lying the last time I saw him I told him I would never be on his side, but I couldn't think of another way to save my mother. They had killed Dumbledore and if they could do that they could do anything. I had to get to my mother, I had to know she was safe and that he hadn't changed her. "I know you're here purely for your mother, that's why I have to keep her away from you, not until you understand why the cause is the best way forward." He wasn't going to let me see her, at least not yet.

"can I at least see her?" I asked him.

"your mother is safe, for now. I would never hurt her she just doesn't understand." He had risen from his chair and was making his way over to me. "once she knows you have seen sense and have changed sides then she will too. We can be a family again that's all I want." He was crouched down in front of me. "I will make you proud of me again Amanda, this is who we really are." He lifted up the sleeve of his shirt, presenting the dark mark. "this is us."

"I'll do anything to prove myself."

"I know you will." He said as he stood up. "but for now, I think if it's best if you help with Narcissa."

"doing what exactly?" I questioned him.

"helping take care of all of us, they only have one house elf since Harry set the other one free and it's not enough to prepare for us all. That's where you will start."

He's putting me on cleaning duty with Narcissa Malfoy, he definitely doesn't trust me. Not yet but I would make him trust me.

"I'll do what I have to, I'll prove to you I'm serious about this." I stood up and stood directly in front of him, I hesitated before stepping forward and hugging him. "I'll prove to you I'm on your side."

"good, ahh right on time." He looked at the door as I let go of him and turned around. I was faced with Lucius Malfoy, he didn't look the same as I last saw him. He looked aged, badly tired and down beaten. Not like the strong, sarcastic Lucius I had once known. His hair was unruly as if it hadn't been brushed and he had grown out his stubble, more so then my father. It had taken it's toll on him being a death eater again. Stood beside him was Draco, he looked exactly the same as the last time I saw him when I was brought here. He was stood in a black suit by his father's side, not making eye contact with me. I remembered what his mother had said about him asking about my wellbeing but I also remembered how he had lied to me about how no one was going to get hurt, how he knew all along what was going to happen and he never told me.

"Steven, you asked for us?" Lucius looked directly at my father.

"yes, my daughter will help your wife with everything. Also I had a question for you Draco?" Draco lifted his head and looked at my father as his eyes flickered to mine. I felt a little uneasy wondering what my father was going to ask him, did he know something? "would you mind keeping my daughter company when she isn't helping your mother. Teach her our ways, without her wand of course. Teach her what you were taught about this world from a young age. Your insight will help her a lot."

"I'm not sure, I would have to check." He replied as his father looked at him.

"oh nonsense, I have already cleared it with the dark lord. Your duty is to help my daughter learn about our ways. It be on my head shall anything go wrong." Draco nodded at my father as I thought I saw a little smile take over Lucius face before it returned to his other expression. "why don't you take her to see your mother now and she can start helping out now." My father shoved me forward as he walked beside me. We made it to the door as Lucius and my father started to head left.

"oh and Draco she is not to be left to walk around alone. Your mother should have the key to her room she is to return there afterwards." My father looked at me and nodded in my direction before disappearing with Lucius around the corner. I was left alone with Draco Malfoy.

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