Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

I was sat in my room on my bed stuck in my thoughts. The look on my mother's face, she truly believed I had switched sides. I was also thinking about what my father had said about me receiving the dark mark tonight and I felt sick. There was no way I couldn't get it, they would know but I didn't want it I didn't want to be connected to him. the door to my rom opened as I looked up and was met with Draco.

"you weren't there when I woke." I told him simply.

"I couldn't be, you know that." He sat down on the bed next to me. "where did your father take you?"

"to see my mother." I told him simply. "I must be convincing even she seemed to believe me." He put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. "I am to receive the dark mark tonight."

"what? He said as he turned to face me.

"my father told my mother in front of me, I can't turn it down they would know."

"I didn't think they would offer it to you, not everyone receives it." I looked at him.

"it must be a test to see if I'll go through with it, I mean it's not like I can say no. you've had the dark mark, does it hurt?"

"it painful, it burns when receive it like your skin knows it shouldn't be there. And when he calls you it burns until you answer by going to him."

"does he know where you are all the time?" I questioned it would be no use getting this and leaving if he can still find me.

"no, he can't track you with them. He trusts his followers won't disobey him."

I sighed as I rubbed my head in between my hands.

"you'll be ok." He told me. "do you wish you chose differently, to not come here?" I shook my head.

"no matter what I think I would have always chosen this, to save her."

"you're stronger than I am." He told me simply. "I couldn't do a simple task to make sure my family were safe here." I held his hand as I looked at him.

"that was different Draco and you know it, you were asked to kill someone. The fact that you couldn't do this makes you a good person, the person I always knew you could be."

"at least one of us did." I nudged his shoulder.

"and you're wrong about me being strong. I only act it, but inside I am scared, I am scared I made the wrong decision that this will go wrong and then I'll be trapped with my mother. Then all of this would have been for nothing, I would have failed."

"if anyone can do this, it's you." He told me, I looked at him as I leant forward and placed a soft kiss on his lips, he grabbed my face and pulled me closer as placed another kiss on my lips.

"I hope you're right." I told him as I looked at him and smiled. The door to the bedroom clicked open as we jumped apart and were faced with my father.

"Amanda, it is time." He told me as I stood up and followed him, I smiled back at Draco one last time as I followed my father.

He opened the door to the room, where the dark lord was sat. he looked up and smiled at me.

"come in, my child." I stepped forward as my father closed the door behind me.

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