Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

It had been a few weeks since we had defeated the dark lord, his followers were being caught one by one and rounded up. Kinglsey had been made temporary minister for magic until someone could be found to fill the spot permanently. They were being kept at Azkaban which was no longer guarded by dementors since they sided with the dark lord.

My mum and I had moved into Uncle Amos' home to live with him for now, my mum didn't want to live in that house with al those memories. As for my dad it turns out I didn't kill him, he did get away but had been caught and was currently being held at Azkaban. I had been helping with the clean-up at Hogwarts, the place has been left in an absolute mess after the war. McGonnogall who was now Headmistress said we could return to complete our final year at Hogwarts which we never got to do, should we choose so. As for the Malfoys, they were on house arrest for now, Lucius was helping with their investigations and given that Draco did help in the final battle it was believed they may be given a pardon but would not be reinstated to their full status. I hadn't seen Draco since the battle, I did hope to see him soon but first I did have to tell my friends and family about him.

I let out a breath as I stood outside the entrance to a beautiful home and knocked a couple of times, waiting for the door to be answered. The door opened and I was faced with a woman who looked slightly familiar in some ways but in other ways she did not.

"Mrs Tonks?" I questioned as she looked at me. "my name is Amanda Cliff and I was a friend of your daughters." I told her simply.

"I know who you are, come in." she beckoned me into the house as I followed her in. "Tea?" she asked me as I shook my head.

"no I can't stay long, I thought it my duty to visit you and offer my condolences for your loss." She looked at me and smiled.

"my daughter told me all about you, she saw a bit of herself in you, I can see why." I smile at her.

"your daughter and your son-in-law were lovely people. I just wanted to speak to you to let you know that I will be there for Teddy. Before she passed Tonks asked me to be his godmother and I accepted. I just wanted you to know that I will be there for Teddy like Tonks was for me when my mother wasn't around, he will always have family because he has their friends." She smiled at me as she brought me in for a hug.

"Dora was right to choose you as his godmother, thank you for your kind words." I pulled away as I smiled at her.

"Thank you, I will be back to visit more often if that's ok with you. I have a few people I need to visit today." She smiled as she saw me to the door.

"visit whenever you want Amanda, you were like family to my daughter so you are like family to me." I smiled and waved goodbye as she closed the door. Now for my next stop.

I opened the door to the home as I walked into a place I used to call home, it was calmer then usual.

"anyone home?" I shouted as I looked around.

"Amanda dear we weren't expecting you." I heard Mrs Weasley say as she came around the corner to greet me. I stepped forward and hugged her.

"I know, I'm sorry for dropping in." I pulled away from our hug. "how's George?" I asked her.

"still in his room, he came out yesterday for a few moments so progress." I smiled sadly at her. George hadn't stepped foot out of his room since they returned from the battle, or if he had he hadn't talked much.

"where are they?" I asked referring to Ron, Hermione, Harry and Ginny.

"Ron's room." I thanked her as I made my way up the stairs, as passed George's room I slid a note under the door. I did it every time I visited; I didn't know if he read them but it was my way of checking on him.

I knocked on Ron's door as I opened it and walked in.

"Amanda, weren't expecting you." I sighed as I looked at them all and closed the door.

"I know but I'm afraid if I don't say what I have to then I'll never say it." They all looked at me confused as I took a deep breath before talking next. "I'm in love with Draco Malfoy." I sighed as I looked at them as they all looked at me in shock.

"Blimey." Ron muttered as they all started to talk over the top of each other, I put my hand up to get them to stop talking.

"please let me say what I've come to say I have this whole speech prepared." I smiled at them as they stopped. "I have been in love with him for quite some time it didn't start when I was at Malfoy manor, it slowly started in my fourth year at Hogwarts. I secretly kept it hidden from all of you for some time. I was scared if I told anyone that I would be judged because he's Malfoy and he's from Slytherin. But I knew him differently I knew there was good in him and he proved it by helping us or helping Harry by throwing him his wand. He's not a bad person he's just made questionable decisions. But life's too short for me to worry about what other people think, I want happiness like what you have with each other and I think I could have with him. But really I would love nothing more than for you to all find in your hearts to accept that, accept us." I let out a breath and looked at them all. "that's all I have to say."

"since fourth year?" Ginny questioned. "all that sneaking about, the weird behaviour that's what it was." I nodded at her.

"where your friends Amanda, you could have told us." Hermione said. I shook my head.

"I don't think Hermione because at the time I didn't really agree with myself what I was doing. It was a back and forth thing of should I or shouldn't I because of who he was. But I'm glad I did because he is so much better than the front he puts up." they all looked back at me again but this time stuck for words. "I'll leave you all to think about it, I know it's a lot to take in of how long I lied for and who it was. But I couldn't keep it from you any longer, it's not right to lie to my friends, well my family because you are all my family." I smiled as I backed out of the room and down the stairs before any of them could catch up to me, quickly saying goodbye to Mrs Weasley.

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