Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

I woke up and quietly made my way out of the bedroom trying not to wake my mum up. I made my way down the stairs and towards the kitchen to make some tea as I was stopped in my tracks sat there was Ron, Hermione and Harry. I started to turn myself back around and up the stairs as I heard Hermione.

"Amanda." I turned around and faced them.

"you look busy, I'll go back to bed."

"of course not." Hermione said as she made her way over to me, I met her halfway as I melted into her hug.

"Hermione I'm sorry I didn't help you, if I knew my mum was going to be safe I would have stopped her." Hermione stepped back and looked at me.

"Amanda, you couldn't have stopped a room full of them by yourself it's not your fault." She walked me over to the sofa as I looked at Harry and Ron. Harry stood up and was next to hug me.

"that was a stupid thing you did Amanda." I slightly laughed at him.

"trust me Harry, I know. But once I realised I was already there." He let me go as I sat down next to Ron as he placed his arm around me pulling me into a hug.

"Ginny was very angry with you when we realised what you did."

"I can't wait to face her." I said sarcastically.

"what was it like?" Hermione asked me. "being there." I knew this question was coming at some point, I had to talk about it.

"I had to pretend that I was part of their cause, that I hated muggles." I nodded at Hermione. "I don't know why but they never used a spell on me or a potion to figure out the truth, I guessed my father tested me by seeing how far I would go. Once I proved myself I was given back my wand and taught spells, I was given lessons."

"how did you prove yourself?" Harry asked me. I lifted up the sleeve on my arm and showed them the dark mark, Hermione gasped.

"oh Amanda."

"did it hurt?" Harry asked me, I nodded.

"I passed out halfway through, he has to give you the mark himself, just me and him in that room it's no wonder I passed out. I think I was out for a couple of days before I woke up in my room." I remember Draco sitting by my bedside. "it wasn't the first time I saw him, the first time I saw him was when he killed our teacher. In a room full of death eater. I did it all for my mum and my dad only let me see her once for five minutes, I even managed to convince her I had changed sides. I had to, to make sure nothing was given away." I sighed as I looked at them.

"must have been hell by yourself." Ron said.

"I wasn't alone, I was with Malfoy." They looked at me shocked. "he's not as bad when you take everyone else away from him, you should see his father he's not the same man who used to intimidate us when we were younger."

"maybe they were just nice because they thought you changed sides."

"yeah maybe." I told them. "so what's the big plan." I asked them.

"we are breaking into Gringotts, with the help of Griphook you know the goblin upstairs."

"why are you breaking in to Gringotts?" I asked them.

"we believe Bellatrix has a horcrux, that's why she was so mad when she thought we had been inside her vault. We've found a couple on our travels since the ministry fell."

"well whenever you need me I'm here." I told them as I smiled at them.

"you're leaving aren't you?" I looked up to be met with Bill and Fleur.

"soon, we just need some clothes. " Hermione said as she stood up and made her way over to Fleur as they disappeared upstairs.

"and Griphook."

"he's coming with us."

"be careful with him, if you make a deal with a goblin, you have to live up to it. And you Amanda what would you like to do?"

"stay with the order, with my mum until we are needed to fight." He nodded at me and smiled.

"nice to have you back Amanda."

"oh she'll be trouble before you know it." Ron said as I rolled my eyes at him.

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