Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I woke up the next day with the remembrance of last night on my mind, Draco must have left at some point after I fell asleep as the bed was empty next to me. I was finally allowed to have my door unlocked but right now I didn't want to venture out there yet. I still remember the amount of death eaters i saw last night and the dark lord kill someone.

There was a knock on the door as it opened and I was met with my father.

"morning Amanda."

"morning father."

"you did good last night, come on follow me." I stood up and followed my dad, I was quite worried of where he was going to be taken me. I don't think I could deal with facing a group of death eaters again.

I followed my father through the manor as he guided me throughout the hallways without saying anything until we stopped in front of a door, quickly opening it as he entered and I followed behind him.

"I have a visitor for you." I heard him say as I looked up and gasped. Sat in corner of the room was my mother, she looked skinnier then the last time I seen her and her hair was all messed up, not as tidy as I remember her. She looked up as she made eye contact with me.

"Amanda?" she questioned as she looked at me.

"mum." I said as I made my way forward towards her as my father stopped me.

"that's far enough." He told me as I stood where I was and faced him. I couldn't do anything except what he tells me, he is in control here. I need to make sure I can still get my mother back. I nodded at him as I looked at my mother.

"our daughter has realised which is the side to be fighting for and has gladly joined us. You should take note Isla my dear." My father said as he walked over to my mother and moved to touch her face as she flinched.

"never." She said simply.

"and that my dear is why you have been staying in the dungeons and will continue to until you see sense just like our daughter here."

"dad is right mum." I told her simply as she looked at me. "together we can be a family, we can thrive can't you see that." I tried to put all my emotions into my eyes, hoping she would be able to tell through the lies, but by the look of disgust on her face I could tell I was wrong.

"look what you have done to her." She said as she looked at my father. "I suppose you're happy she is becoming like you."

"you should be happy to it is the right way, the correct way to live. Our daughter has shown promise since she has been here and tonight she will show her ultimate devotion." I turned to face my dad, I had no idea what he was going on about. "tonight my dear you will go through the ceremony of the dark mark, it is a honour as you father to have you by my side." I gulped as I looked at him.

"I am honoured dad."

"Isla, will you join us?" my dad faced my mum.

"no, I'd rather die." I looked at my mother, I just wanted to run to her and get out of here but there was no way I could do this right now. Not without a wand, and if getting the dark mark is something I have to do then I will do it, all to rescue her from him.

"back to the dungeon you go."

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